K-495 The Devils Boat (proluge and Chapter 1)

Jake ignored this message, studding the wreck, and thinking to him self. the wreck was rusting, old, and dirty, sea life had made the wreck home. a fish darted out here, another there. but besides that, there was nothing else there.

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Brothers in Arms: Let's Get This Party Started

Across the expanse, about 50 metres away was the last known position of bravo squad, not to mention their smoking wreck of a humvee.

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Raiderstuck (part 2)

Bob (on bob news): "whoa looks like someone wrecked the water tower and punched wreck-it ralph!! someone call jack stone! can do, will do!"

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Survival and my own, i read, of course, and organized the remains in the wreck. it helped time move on, and it helped us find things more easily when we needed them.

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Gunge Fest (Commission)

Alas, despite his best efforts, cherry would dodge the wrecking ball with a subtle dash to the left.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 3 - Destiny Calls

We followed the instructions and found the wreck. our driver wasn't in it, and the wreck wasn't a wreck per se, more like someone disposing of evidence.

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Astral High - Chapter 44

And to think, psijius thought he could get away with the car wreck." "psijius? car wreck?" "brother in prison, car wreck that killed tanner's and kyle's parents, and also killed some four hundred other people.

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How I got my arm

My home planet, chernos, was littered with old wrecks and forgotten place and each new find was not only exciting but also highly profitable.

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Surface (Chapter 13)

Before klein had been able to articulate a reply to that, boko had already gone into a mad dash toward the wrecking ball crane.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:26 Finally There

"how about wreck it ralph?" "sure...doesn`t really matter." jewelia puts on the movie wreck it ralph. bowser falls asleep. "hehehe..." jewelia wispers to herself. she takes out an air horn from her bag. she puts the horn next to bowser.

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Shelter (Alaska 4)

The fox began to run, just as the bear's head poked out of the wreck to see the red-furred male hurrying along the smooth rocks and towards their makeshift camp site, tail flying behind him.

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