Jeremy 032; Road-Stop Blues

His brother was also gaining the typical coating of fat that weightlifters often got as a result of the overly high protein diet they clung to. jeremy suspected eric was also still using dubious supplements.


The Dragon Society - Intitiation

He had never been particularly strong, in a weightlifting kind of sense, but he did notice that he was more dexterous and limber than before.

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The Trickster Mage and the Singing Warrior 1: Illusions

Due to daily practice with multiple weapons and different techniques together with weightlifting he is an extremely muscular person.

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Dreams: Chapter 1

I however had weightlifting for my last period and was in the need of a serious shower before i did anything. "hey marc, i'm going to hit the shower ok.

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... Into Night (Bodies by Josh, Pt. 1)

He blinked and sat up suddenly, startled by this massive mountain of polar bear, obviously a weightlifter. he couldn't be a bodybuilder, since, while massive, they tended more towards tone and definition rather than the raw mass of this bear.

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Project DDS Part 1

More talking and more weightlifting later, jessie had flat out came out and told the other's, when they had mutually agreed to take a breather from their workout, that he was horny and lonely and hoped that after this was all over that he could see the alex

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 31: Rio, Yun, Shayde, and Andal, Desperate Effort Vs. Desperate Effort!

For example, shooting, swimming, wrestling, weightlifting, equestrian, modern pentathlon, and much, much more!" general andal explained while his gaze never leaving rio. " huh? so you want to have a contest to see who will win?"

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Zekrom and the curse of the beaten belly

Of course, during these exercises, zekrom wasn't free from some freak moments, like the time one of the lightbulbs fell right on his stomach right in the middle of an exercise and leaving him writhing in pain... or when he doing weightlifting while lying on

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Dream Big

Bad enough, but with the boost to his brawn and bulk, arms and thighs thick like a weightlifter's, gut and butt conforming yet further to the expanding muscle beneath them, it didn't take long for him to lose his balance.

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The End is Where We Start From

"since he wasn't likely to take up smoking or weightlifting this late in the game i had to find another way to get his heart racing.

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Personal Growth

While flying, she pushed up gently on hex's left arm, who obliged and lifted it in a weightlifting pose. "you can pick up almost anything with your biceps and your pectoralis majores, almost like there's no challenge to you!" "you mean my breasts?

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