Chapter 1: Discovery
"Alright, here's your juice and your receipt," Jamie Jeffries said, handing over a paper bag to his customer. "Have a nice day!" As the customer left, the wolf smiled. He gazed around his store. The grand opening was two months behind him and he was...
Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow (Chapter 4)
Light it so there was warm water but it was better than nothing \>you begin pumping the water, it's a long process but one that would benefit you both \>warm water for you both to get clean with, plus clean any urine out of her clothes \>the thought of watersports
Leaky Buses
I wrote this about a year or so ago, before I became the good writer I am today, so this story is not as good as some of the others. I'm just re-submitting it here so readers get a bit of an introduction to who my fursona JT...
Hello Kitty Accidentally Kicks a Boy
Hello Kitty was practicing her karate moves in the courtyard during school recess. "Hello Kitty! I got something to show you!" Hello Kitty was so in the zone, she didn't notice someone coming up behind her. Hello Kitty lifted her foot, and kicked...
Maxwell 2
I've never tried watersports, but i think it's something better planned than accidental." "good point." the professor shifted to regain his hindpaws. "you're golden enough as it is, i daresay.
Doodle Story: Trustworthy Ally
Randy and Skrew finally find someone worthy of protecting them from any hostile Digimon: a giant, feral-like wolf named...
Corwin Hall, Chapter 4
Corwin Hall, Chapter 4 On the way back to Todd's room, Brutus stepped into the small bathroom, and came back out carrying both Todd's wet diaper, now neatly balled up, and the clean one he had left by the sink. "You're sure about this?" he asked. ...
The Wet Journeys of Mareen, Prologue: The First Hunt
It was the tenth day of the month of Rosefire in the Jylland city of Graszton. The sun was shining on a seasonally clear day on the southern port city. A cool breeze floated off of the Ewhol sea and onto the people crowding the streets in the usual...
Desperate To Pass {Desperation, WS}
It was the first of december. It was snowing that morning. The time was 7:59 at a testing center. It was one of those standardized tests that colleges require you to do to see if you are good enough for them. The testing was scheduled to start at 8,...