Rising Anew -Chapter 12 cont.- Train & Realize Your Life
The old oak door to the library slid open without a sound as Narcenac and Narina entered, stiffling their conversation. Slowly making their way through the rows of shelves and...
History, Love, Rising Anew, Tiger, Violet Tiger, books
I feel so down, taking the pain, the suffering, i listen to their voices jeering at me from up close and from afar, and i think i see a bit of light shining through this damned night! I try so hard to climb out of the darkness, and i try so hard...
Standing Up, bullies, cruelness, pain suffering
Rising Anew -Chapter 11, Family and Learning, cont.-
"What do you know about these two, Marcerous?" came a menacing hiss
from the dark shadows in his cave.
"They are full blood Necromanta, that...
History, Rising Anew, Squirrel, Tiger, Tigress, books, laughing, learning, mess, necromanta, purring
Rising Anew - Chapter 11, Family and Learning-
Slowly the sound of feet padding down the stone hallway brought
Narina into the world of the conscious again. She sat up with a grimace as
her head pounded her back down.
"Uggghh, my head is killing...
Foxes, Joy, Narcenac, Narina, Reptile, Revelations, Rising Anew, Squirrel, Tiger, Violet Tiger, Wolf, glade, hares, hope, peace, warriors
Thehin sat across from Dossy in the diner, munching on french fries and watching her chomp on a quarter pound cheeseburger. He leaned over and took a sip of his coke, thinking back to that kiss. His mind had just cleared out like someone had erased...
Cheeseburger, Dossy, Folf, Thehin, Tiger, apartments, diner
Tis a soul, swimming in that metephorical fishbowl,
Living its life on the wings of strife.
To guide its path it seeks to suffer darkness's wrath.
Its suffering shielding, those who's weakness is unyielding.
One day truth will fill its...
Dark, Fish, Other, Pain, Poetry, darkness, fingers, fishbowl, hand, peace, pearls
Rising Anew -Chapter 15, The Claw Healed-
"Have you located them..."
"We know their last whereabouts sir."
"A small city... in the Northern United States. A place called Meddlark, Lord Ritus."
A heavy black paw...
Rising Anew -Chapter 14, War Cries!!!-
The war cries of the horde at their back hastened the hunters retreat. The heavy pounding hooves hammered the forest floor as the horde closed in and began to...
Battle, Other, Rising Anew, Violet Tiger, War Cries
Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy
The smell of the deer's spawn had made it fairly easy to follow them. The fresh tracks told the little group of hunters that they werent far behind the herd. It had been...
Horde, Rising Anew, Violet Tiger, running
Rising Anew -Chapter 13- Learning About your Enemy
Narcenac had spent the rest of that evening with Narina pouring over the records, taking in all he could. The old recorders had just seemed to write a novel for him. He was able to...
Hunting, Purple, Rising Anew, Tiger, Violet Tiger, enemies
As Time Slowly Fades
Tirren rubbed the side of his head slowly as he looked down into the sink. Little crimson blossoms lay spread in a haphazard way around the small bowl. Sighing and leaning back, the 20 year old cheetah stared at the mirror in...
Beagle, Cheetah, Doctor, Wolf