A Life in High School, Ch. 3
We're at valor christian high school." "there's a vehicle on the way. once they get there, you _have_ to let the paramedics see him.
Sheep in Wolves Clothing
With valor won true peace. **valorous semper victor!** _" troy stared for long moments at the image. it was a tribute to his ancestors who had brought peace to the constantly warring furred races.
Star Fox: Ascension #09 SACRIFICE
"comms, i will contact the valor myself." scales issued his request, then returned to his chair where he produced a small headset from the armrest. "i want a direct line to valor from my chair." "aye aye!"
A Conquerer's Fight For Freedom part 2: A Decision in the Making
"strength and valour dear brother," he said winking at me then giving me a hug and pushing me back into my advisors. "now you get back so we can go win this for you," he said to my glaring face then he turned to the army and yelled "move out".
valor nodded, "that is true. you bring me both honor with such a hull, my son. we can stay here for another week at least now! i say we throw a feast in honor of both of you!" scar bowed, "you do us too much honor as well chief."
CotJ II: The last Stand Act III Part II
[the shadow core; dark spire 3,568 a.d, november 27th, 9:10am] "for valor! charge!"
Eggceptional Get Away: Leif
Welcome to silver valor." mews was only able to roll their eyes in frustration at this. the end
The Tribe Chapter 5
"katya had been valorous and kind. can we not talk about last breaths for several twinklings?"
Removed Edit--A Life In College
I put on a valor t-shirt and slap on my wristwatch and a necklace. about the same time i put my sunglasses on, red walked into my dorm, fully dressed. he, too, wears a t-shirt. a valor one.
The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Angels
Others in the council are less well known; even the angel of valour never crosses death. the realm of angels is called heaven, though it has no gods/goddesses, it is the home of angels and is where they always preferred to live.
S2 Ep13 Dakota's backstory
He grew up a pretty modest life even living in the forest where his pack lives in the middle of the valor pack. he wasn't particularly fond of justin at first but grew closer to him over time and eventually started dating him once justin asked him out.
S2 Ep5 Dakota Eardwulf
Victor, using his powers as one of the many princes of the valor kingdom, ordered protection for the elemental forest and the wolves spent the night there as the following episodes happened in a day.