Ferret's Five - Forming the Five

"all the utility lines are ran through the sewers and in nearby utility tunnels. even if i can get through the reservoir walls without busting a steam pipe or something, i can't get deep enough to get through all of the casino's garbage."

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The Sable Islands

Vonn eisling utilizes their visits in order to collect dna samples to progress his own project dubbed "jehovah", a continuation of aquarius but with modifications to the original plan due to the rise of individuals with psychokinetic abilities presenting a

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OR: Fenyks

The arcane comes naturally to them to make up for the physical prowess the ralkya are fond of utilizing against their prey.

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Strange mines

After three days, efforts were being made by skilled builders to set up plumming in the mines, utilizing a lake of large freshwater located in the upper north north part of the mine.

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Carbuncle Mount

There were a number of different command spells in here that could impart new attacks onto a carbuncle, as well as a few utility spells. when noel came across such a utility spell he stopped glancing and actually read.

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Notes on Surksàasnian

The characters strictly represent specific sounds and none of them have more than one pronunciation (the letter _g_ can only utilize the back of the tongue on the roof of the mouth; it cannot make the same sound as a _j_).

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ICG: Ch4 In Which

Maybe it has to do with the utilizing the _type_ of energy the move utilizes? that would be fighting type energy... how the fuck is that any different from normal type? "why does this have to be so fucking hard!"

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Burdens - Chapter 135: The First Hour

Roger went to use the restroom, now having woken up and needing to utilize it. he had a headache from the dehydration, so he figured he would try to find some water somewhere. if anything, tap water was acceptable to him.

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City of Heroes Pt I

Cobalt pulled out a small communicator from one of the pouches on her utility belt and pressed it. the small device beeped and instantly connected her with a police dispatcher.

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First Version: Rociel Hentzel

Materials mutation: she is capable of telepathically handling metals, plastics, and silicates then transforming them into whatever contraption she desires in the middle of the air as well as creating her own advanced material which is utilized in constructing

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Contest Entry: PlasterPaws (Gluepaw)

utilizing a derivative of quantum locking, any agglutinant substance ejected by the generators was now suspended above the hand. surface tension tended to turn the blobs into proper orbs.
