Color Me Mad
Mitch steps up to the clue box, jasper on his shoulder, still quivering over his encounter with the urchin. "route info: get to new orleans, fast." mitch reads.
Peppers Are Hot, Keys Are Cold
Joey, using quick maneuvers, manages to get the key away from the urchin unharmed. diesel finally got the oyster open and he was right, a key was hidden just inside.
Halloween-Inspired Story: Ghost Unlaid Forbear Thee
A pair of street urchins who didn't need anything but each other. peter got up from the floor and stretched his arms. he was always so thin; we were always hungry, but we made do with what we had.
Poverty had been a big one, and street urchins - often literal urchins - had roamed the _favelas_ in search of something to eat, or anything at all.
For those unaware, it follows a wolf urchin living on the streets of manhattan in the year 1899, and the friendship he forms with a human family while getting involved in shenanigans and historical figures from new york city's historic past.
Our Lives
They often came down to the beach together on saturday mornings just to relax, often doing crazy stuff like catching sea urchins with their bare hands, and seeing who could keep their balance the longest with each wave that hit them, or even exploring rock
To Protect or Serve Instalment 3
From the common street urchin to the highest noble, of every gender and species--" "even the smoothies?" someone guffawed. "unlikely!" tamira's right eye twitched. "you. stand up and identify yourself." no one moved.
Have a heart, would you?
Watch for the urchins around here- they'll swipe whatever they can from you." "urchins?.. oh, the kids, right. well, thank you, ma'am."
Zion Journal 4
"i'm just a poor street urchin... i can't afford silver," i don't know what it was about those words, but i felt so much anger and pain course through my body.
ii. Working the Counter (12~1~07)
At the same moment, a group of forty urchins between the ages of eight and twelve approached her and all started talking at once. to her credit, she managed to keep herself under control until almost all the children were taken care of.
Chapter XVI, Jackals and wolves
While the rat would just as soon grab a street urchin, the lion had convinced him the master would be more pleased with larger fare, and the two foreigners would serve nicely...
Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 4
"why do two vulpkin urchin want to go to the land of the saurkin?" "hey! we're not urchin you-" darwyn chimed before ferne cut him off. "our mentor, a giakin and a foreigner, is already there.