Zion Journal 4

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#7 of The Tales From Zion

Dear Mom and Dad,

_ I don't think it should come off as much of a surprise that things still aren't going that well for us. Every day since the ambush I've seen the pain and lingering shock in everyone's eyes. Many of us are too stubborn to say it out loud by I can see it clear as day. I don't think any of us would have though when we set out Zion, that with what seems like hardly any time having passed we would be the last ones alive. I there is still a part of me that half expects to wake up and find that what happened is all a terrible dream; that I will be will get ready to go and help Dillan keep the caravan quenched. But waking up and seeing Zachary and I sharing the same tent changes that all. No matter how much we hope and pray, nothing can bring those we lost to the sun cultists._

_ A few days ago we arrived at another wayside, I don't even wish to remember how many days it was because of the terrible lucky that seems to follow us or at least me to them. I really worry if I am starting to get onto Zachary's nerves because the first day there he really didn't spend too much time around me. I ended up passing it off as nothing, but when it came time for everyone to rest I started to feel my heart ache as I saw Zeke and Jasper go off together as well as Rust and Narissa head together. I didn't even have to guess when I got close to Zachary's room that someone was in there with him. I really didn't want to assume, but every ounce of me knew that is was Halydn who was in there. I don't hate the lion, but I couldn't find a reason to not hate him at that moment._

_ I must have passed out, because I woke about when everyone else was getting up. It wasn't a few minutes after waking up I watched the lion come out of Zachary's room. I know a lot of people tend to blame the way they were raised as why the mess up when they do and a lot of the time it is nothing but crap, but it is sadly the main reason when confessed to the rabbit that I didn't want to fall for a priest a while back. I don't want to have a lover that sleeps with other people, even if it is for some ridiculous prayer. I'd rather not recall anything else that happened that night, nothing I can say or do will probably ever make it up to Zachary what I said that night. I just hope that he forgives me, someday._

_ The day we were supposed to leave the wayside, today, everyone woke up to hearing two hedgehogs crying out that the city of going to be destroyed without a priest of Tah'aveen and everyone was going to die. I was confused at first when they said this, but then I saw Zachary unconscious on the before us. Whether they find out why we were in whatever place we were in and why Zachary was passed out, I never found out, I just couldn't take my eyes off of the rabbit. Something about seeing him so helpless and unprotected just triggered something in me and I started to, it's gonna sound weird to say this but, lose control of myself and it wasn't like the rage I felt before. It was like I was being guided and helped by someone or something else and it took control of every one of my motor skills. An old story I heard back in Bannihar recited in my head and some of the key parts of the story matched up with what the hedgehogs were whining about._

_ I remember as we were leaving the building I, or I should say my body, pulled out that iron blade that you guys hated me having we you first let me in and put it into a secure, hidden part of my clothes. I wanted nothing more than to drop the blade and hide, but with Rust taking out a place to hide the rabbit I let my body do as it wished to do. That is when we saw it, the mist and the children. I hadn't recovered my hearing yet to know that everyone was calling for the wayside citizens to rush back behind us for protection. While everyone was doing that I was wading my way through the people towards the mist. I don't know what I said but everything when silent and the possessed children stopped moving. I remember once I regained my hearing for the second time that day I could hear myself trying to trick the creature in the mist as well as Dillian trying to call me back._

_ Before I knew what was happening the creature's dark blade shot out of the mist and impaled me through the waist. It was then then my voice recited a part of the old story from my youth. "I'm just a poor street urchin... I can't afford silver," I don't know what it was about those words, but I felt so much anger and pain course through my body. Then next thing I remember is leaping into the mist with my necklace of Tah'aveen wrapped around the iron blade and screaming as loud as I can, "I can afford iron!"_

_ I guess after what I did the spirit left and I woke up to my waist being taken care off. Halydn was in the room guarding me. He told me all that happened, how what I did allowed us to get some extra supplies for the trip. He asked if there was anything he could to help me feel better and I think I asked him to let me have an uninterrupted night with Zachary, but something tells me I also told him my feels for the rabbit._

_ Either way I should be getting rest like everyone has been telling me to do, it still hurts to sit down. First though I am going to place an apology poem in Zachary's clothes and hope he sees it in the morning. I'll put a chicken-scratch version of it at the end of this letter._

Your loving son

Taggart Cuagan

No matter the pain I caused

Or how much it tears at my heart

The love I have for you has never paused

And you will always have a part

Some days I fear for your existence

Being why I hate any distance

I pray you will accept my regret

So this pain we can forget