Draven's Story: Memory 2

From the sweat-drenched tips of his black hair to the awkwardly chipped toenails he never learned to cut, everything worked in unison to help fulfill the rage which consumed him. the raven lifted his leg and brought it down on his racket.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 33 of 37

You can help paint my toenails!" "fuck that! i'm gay, i'm not a girl. now move already." becky scrutinized the checker board and settled on moving a checker over the cardboard fold. the t.v. was on some news channel and muted.

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Rabbit Food

He tried to kick the blanket off but his toenails caught in something, leading to a struggle to get free. the next thing he realized, he was on the floor on all fours.

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"Acclimation" A snow leopard taur TF story

You watch as your toenails blacken, and elongate into sharp, sleek claws. you quickly pull up the legs of your pants, watching as spotted grey fur grows up both of your legs.

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A step into the Wild

From the base of every hair to the tips of every finger and toenail he felt as if he had been stuck by lightning. his heart was beating thunder like the charge of a thousand stomping horses.

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The Fang Necklace

As he sat the boots down and threw the socks in the trash he had yet to notice that his toenails were now solid black colored claws. nor did he notice there were small gray and black hairs that had started to grow along his feet and ankles.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 4

Luke yelled, his toenails clicking softly against the floorboards as he dropped back down. "honestly, i don't know what our old man is thinking, bringing something like that under our roof. i told him it attacked me, but would he listen? noooope.

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Lookin' Tough! (Anthro Pokemon TF/TGs) [COLLAB]

As he was doing so, two white horns found their way out of the top of his head while his toenails became larger and sharper, his legs turning digitigrade, which caused his shorts to become ripped and tattered while a thin back tail with a triangle at the tip

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 4

Luke yelled, his toenails clicking softly against the floorboards as he dropped back down. "honestly, i don't know what our old man is thinking, bringing something like that under our roof. i told him it attacked me, but would he listen? noooope.

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A Date With a Scientist (Anthro Cat TF)

At the end of his feet, where he could stand up, pawpads grew, just as mike's toenails fell off and was replaced by claws. despite the changing anatomy, his leg muscles toned up to the same degree as his arms and chest.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 16

You have successfully delayed my execution via ostrich toenails! ^\_^ if you would like to be credited, simply send me an email to inform me of what name should be used.

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Unfair Fight

Still more black claws begin to emerge from her toenails, snapping bloodily out from the pink nail beds underneath!

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