Cousin Amber- Meeting Chris

She then teleports back to her original position and sits down. she gestures at him to try, "my third eye is open," she says as she gives him access to her ability.

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Six

In there, then i remembered that earlier in the day yesterday i had tried to teleport into the room and got denied.

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter One

---Beginnings--- I don't know why I am writing this now, but professionals have said that writing something down is the best way to remember stuff. I am trapped in a strange world. There is NOTHING around me! Nothing except Them. I think that I might...

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The light of the dark ch:1 rise of darkness

I said while holding out my hand so we can teleport to my place.

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purple's camping trip

It was a normal day for me and david, we teleported to a dragon's cave to protect them seeing as they had called us, they loved me most of all, if they had hatchlings i could play with them or if they were going to have one then i could act like one

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Five

Alright, the journey here has been tricky. More difficult than it should have been. Something went wrong when Margret sent me here and I ended up in the middle of the Kokiri Forest! How this happened is a mystery. However, until I can figure out how to...

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Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History

Hir unknown psionic talent with teleportation proved most advantageous aiding hir team in earning the grand championship twice. this brought ap&r considerable standing and profit as sole providers of hir many patented armor and teleportation components.

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\teleport ability, i use it so often, that i forget that some people haven't come across one before.\> "teleport? like in the federation starship's transportors?"

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Twilight Performs a Spell That Goes Just Fine

When i was teleporting a while back around aj, i was teleporting myself alone, and only travelling several feet at a time, give or take. i've also teleported across ponyville, but again, only with myself."

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7even Towers: Chapter Two

As her fireball hit her square on she was teleported out of the room and i said "your dad also wants to see me, give me a sec before you teleport though to deactivate my spells." teleporting back into the room she nodded and waited until i was done.

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Eternal Phantasia - Prologe

He said as both wolves nodded their heads and steped into the teleporters. the door's closing as one of the coat's started typing, saying "opening teleporter gate, teleporting now."

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