The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter One
#3 of The Dimensional Traveler
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---Beginnings--- I don't know why I am writing this now, but professionals have said that writing something down is the best way to remember stuff. I am trapped in a strange world. There is NOTHING around me! Nothing except Them. I think that I might be becoming one of Them. Let me start from the beginning of the crazy two days that resulted in me huddled in this cave, writing this by the light of the dying sun(s?) of this insane world. It was the day after I had graduated from college. I had graduated near the upper middle of the class, mainly because I didn't focus completely on my studies, and got my Bachelor's Degree in the Video Game Design and Development-Computer Science program. I was on my way to a Job Interview that was said could change my life. Apparently, several people had tried to get the job, but all had failed. A friend suggested for me to apply because the qualifications for the job fit me PERFECTLY! It was almost too good to be true, but I went anyways. I did bring a sword that I had bought at a local Medieval Times just in case. I had some training with sword fighting (I mean why have something if you're never going to use it) so I felt confident in my abilities with the sword. When I reached the address of the interview, I realized that something wasn't quite right, as both me and my friend expected. I drew my sword and a second later, three creatures that were not from this world, Earth, jumped out of a portal! Before I could react, they grabbed me! I somehow managed to keep a grip on my sword, but I could not use it as the creatures had me by both of my arms and both of my legs. The creatures pulled me into the portal. I have no idea why they pulled me into the portal, or where the portal sent me. I do know that the creatures were not around when I was ejected from the portal. Thinking back on what occurred when I was travelling through the portal, something attacked the creatures. I didn't know what the thing that attacked them was, but I felt safe when I had gazed at it, whereas with the creatures, I felt nothing but terror. The way my savior moved made it hard to make out what he/she/it looked like. A roar off in the distance snapped me out of my dazed state. This place was not safe, even by the loosest definition of the word. Right then, I needed to find a place that I could spend the night, if there was a night here, as safely as I could. So, I started walking. I had walked in the same direction for what felt like a couple of hours, when I stumbled across a village! I thought, "Maybe I can find a place to spend the night or at the very least find out where the heck I am." I went to the "building" that I thought would be an inn, and it turned out that I was correct! Finally, something was looking up for me in this strange land. "Hey, umm where am I?" I asked the person behind the counter. "Ahahahahahaha. Good one!" he (?) laughed. "No, seriously, where the heck am I?" "Boy, you be in the Underworld," one of the patrons of the inn said. "The Underworld? I not dead am I?" I asked startled. "Bah! Curse the humans for giving the name of our home to the Land of the Dead," the patron spat. "Wait, you didn't know where this was. Are you a human?" "Maybe," I cautiously said. "Borgistique (borg-ISH-tik)," the innkeeper exclaimed, "he can't be a human!" Borgistique asked, "Why not?" "Humans can't survive long here," the innkeeper said simply. "True," Borgistique grudgingly said, "but then how does he not know where he is?" "He may have come from a different realm, but he might be the child that went missing a couple of human decades ago," the innkeeper explained. "What's your name, boy?" "Chess. CJ Chess," I responded as I usually did. "That wasn't the name of the family, but he has the voice of them." I asked, "Where can I go to find shelter and a way back to Earth?" "You are heading along the right path to the Capital City. Right now, you are in the middle of the Barren Wastelands, but when did you get here from Earth?" "Today." At that, everyone in the inn shouted, "WHAT?!" "He must be Him! There is no doubt about it! If he is this far after one day, then the Dark Forces must have succeeded in finding the one that would defeat them completely!" "Stay the night Mr. Chess," the innkeeper said to me. "Oh, I couldn't," I protested. "It's almost night time, and it's on the house," he insisted. "Fine," I caved. Later that night... "I'm sorry. No one from another realm came here today." "kdsdsa;lkfjdskjghfdkjv" ("Are you sure?") "Yes. I am sure." "Dslkjhdfjdsgfhdslks" ("Do we need to conduct a search?") "No. You don't need to search the rooms." "Dfhdsjfhdsfh" ("Don't make us force a search.") "In this establishment, you have no authorization. I serve the royal family." "Fjhdskjfhdlkjfdskjfhfkjdfh" ("The royal family is no more! Stop resisting!") "Oh, they will return. Mark my words." I don't know how, but I had understood their words perfectly! "HEY! YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE! THAT ROOM IS BOOKED!" I heard scratching outside the door of the room in which I was staying. Suddenly, I felt the same fear as I did when the three creatures from this morning grabbed me! I grabbed my sword from where it laid, propped up against the nightstand. The door opened, and in came a creature that looked exactly like one of the creatures that grabbed me! It jumped at me and I swung my sword up, cutting it, the creature, in two. The innkeeper appeared at the door, a sword of pure light in his hands. Just like the one that my savior had wielded! "Let him go now, beings of darkness!" the innkeeper sternly stated. "HEY! It's me! Don't swing!" was what I said. To a person from Earth, it sounded like this, "sfhdsalifhlkjfhlkjdgfhlkjfdrkjhgfhlikgfkj!" "CJ?" "Yes!" "Ummm why do you look like one of Them? "What do you mean?" The innkeeper then put a mirror in front of me. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I was gone instantly. A couple of minutes later, I became myself once more. Luckily for me, some put signs up leading me to the Capital City. I could see the city in the distance when I heard the roars from the day before. I learned from my conversations with the patrons of the inn, that when you heard those, move in one direction if the light hasn't started to fade, and find a cave if it has. Thankfully, the cave that I am now in is along the path to the city. I will write more when I am able.