A Fluffy Christmas Miracle

Someone from the tan soldiers shouted. "they've got the legendary general cris, the lion of the battlefield on their side! all units retreat!"

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Elders' Tale - Ch1

Her fur was a soft tan for the most part. the tan base leads down her arms and towards those human like hands, which the tan fur slowly melted away into a pure snow white coat, tracing all the rest of the way down the slender digits of her fingers.

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Chapter 4: Training

The herd ran for about thirty seconds before i noticed that the tan and red wolf were running to the side. the red one bit down on one of the legs and the caribou tripped. once it fell, he let go of it and helped the tan one take down a different one.

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Sueños de un amor lejano

¿quã© es tan gracioso? â€"es que... â€"comienza a decirle entre risasâ€"... lo siento, no pude evitarlo... te ves tan... te ves tan tierno cuando estas nervioso. diego se sonroja mã¡s y baja la mirada.

Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 11

"and since tan tao and wang dun are the same person, then that would mean that tan tao would become emperor of china." "but what about the rest of the imperial family?" pointed out mantis.

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Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.2)

La pregunta es, ¿qué tan lejos está el planeta con vida más cercano?

Character bio sheet

Caretakers--ralph and kelly adams ralph adams- age 35 tan hair/fur main coat color, light beige on underbelly and accents. brown eyes.

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D.E1 Chapter 70: Awakening to reality

It was the tan furred creature. the adrenaline of the pain made him look back and noticed a huge syringe being withdrawn from his thigh. "open your mouth!" the tan furred creature ordered.

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A Start to A New End

Medicine cat-doepelt, a dark tan she-cat with a light tan belly and has spots on her back, much like a doe. warriors-moonnose, a black she-cat with a white splash like a quarter moon around her nose.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 14

"wang dun and tan tao were half-siblings," he replied. "one of them disappeared twelve years ago when i sent them on the first diplomatic mission to the outside world. not only did it fail, but tan tao supposedly disappeared."

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Coming Home

A different flight attendant walked by, this time it was a female puma, her fur was a dark tan unlike riley's which was a light tan, she also had quite an impressive chest and rump.

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Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights Part 4.

The tan furred mouse gathers all of the medical kits together, but makes a grim discovery.

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