Venturing: UnderOr

He retreated to us and showed the strip to us. the strip of paper had a unique pattern much like the grounds underneath us. but the two patterns were different from one another somehow. the first upon the ground was a heart.

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Revelation The Beginning

They instructed the 10 mages to invent a spell strip the domega of his eight elements.

Day 43 7:54 PM 1/5/2023-Chapter 13-Why?

How should i do the chicken, strips, drum sticks, plain breast or what?" "strips", raf said, "deep fried style." "an excellent choice", i replied.

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Snapshots - Desert Heat

The liquor license extends to the street, so bottles wrapped in brown bags are one of the few sites you _won't_ see on the strip. i wave at a knot of passing tourists. they pretend not to see me.

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The Fighter - Chapter 1 -

stripping away the rest of her fight gear. "some tough tiger you are. getting bossed around by me." sam say jokingly as she leans back in her chair.

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Rexville 26: A Game of Flash Night

"strip uno!" "heh?" "we're playing uno, and, on each round, three losers would strip off their clothes!" "_como eh?_" xavier repeated. come again? "_que carajo, hombre?_ i'm not stripping naked!"

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 3

We then set down to start stripping the wire.


The Capture of Bares Chapter 1

strip them and have them pull our cart like oxen." "great idea" the nord said agreeing. they walked over to the argonians and stripped them of their clothing. they removed the ropes and attached chains to their wrists.

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A Sweet Setup

Thus, we reached the verdict that guys that go to strip clubs are creepy, but guys who are invited to go to strip clubs by lesbians are the coolest guys on the planet.

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The Time of My Life Chapter 12 -- End of 2010 Celebration --Season 1 Finale

The solos were incredibly hard, but i did'nt use the touch strip. daez and jake were sliding up and down and the touch strip, getting a lot more notes. the most insane solos hit and we were failing out.

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Day Off

Then, he minced a few cloves of garlic and tossed it into the bowl, along with some seasonings and the egg yolk strips

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Going Home, Great Oaks, Part 1 (an Excerpt)

After that it was guesswork, moving the strip and trying to get the notch to grab onto the rod so he could pull it up. he could see the lock mechanism easily enough, but the metal strip he was using wasn't technological.

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