He was a beast of a stallion. everything about him was, in a word, _excessive_. captured's sensitive nose had caught the scent of master's body. it was a rather pleasant smell, to be honest. captured simply couldn't appreciate its beauty.
Bondage, Fox, M/M, Stallion, unfinished
Janet jerked her head back in surprise and blinked six times so rapidly it was like he was spraying water in her face. A wary disbelieving look replaced surprise as she began to soundlessly work her jaw up and down as though she had forgotten how to...
College, Rabbit, Romance, Stallion, conversation, indigo, janet
Chapter 3
Another powerful memory replayed in Indigo's mind's eye. "As you know, my family had moved here from Spain only one month before school started." Janet nodded, her ears leaning forward slightly as if eager to catch every word as soon as...
College, Rabbit, Stallion, conversation, friends, indigo, janet
The stallions strange behaviour confused michael and he couldn't focus on his work, his mind filled with thoughts of the strange stallion. but the white stallion continued to watch him the following day, michael tried to ignore him but couldn't.
Character Development, Clean, Horse, Male, Stallion, michael
During a visit to another village with his father jason met michael, a pure white stallion, and from the first moment he laid eyes on him he couldn't stop thinking about him.
Character Development, Gay, Horse, Male, Stallion, jason
To be honest, he had been rather surprised the young stallion had refused the offer. choosing his own gelding instead of being joined to the young filly as was allowed.
Dragon, Heterosexual, Horse, M/F, Mare, Stallion
Here he stood. Conner the Great. Warrior, Clan Leader, Husband, and Failure. As he stood there on his shiny black hoofs, wearing his tartan as the wind ruffled through his white fur, it was the last title that stuck in his mind.
He was a failure....
Dragon, Heterosexual, Horse, M/F, Mare, Stallion
He could be thinking the stallion was a boring annoying bastard and just hiding it really well. the stallion would never know the answer for sure, the way the ram held his expressions.
Friendship, Love, Mild Violence, Mute, Ram, Romance, Stallion
Chapter 4
Indigo was rubbing his thighs again and trying to keep warm when Janet came back outside. She had her mobile phone to her ear and was making short affirmative responses to the other party. She did not look at him until she finished her call....
College, Rabbit, Romance, Stallion, conversation, friends, indigo, janet