A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 1
(a bedtime of 9:30 and a mother who ensures it is carried out doesn't help) so yeah, these aren't really my characters, well they are but i don't mind if anyone want to do a spinoff of the main story if they so desire for any strange reason.
Treter: Hozord Wolves
As if we were a bunch of wolves, creating our own spinoff story like the recognized series before us right? no. we are not them. we are canine yes. but we are a different species than the hunter's pack. we call ourselves the hourans.
A snake and his lizard
Sas and Licko were the best of friends, which was quite odd considering they were a lizard and a snake. Few people even knew that lizards still existed. If any! They were rare but the few that had survived had grown much more intelligent over the...
Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon’s Slave Interstitial 5: The Inevitable Conclusion
Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon's Slave **Interstitial 5: The Inevitable Conclusion** Flo's master, the dark wolf had been deliriously giddy as of late; he didn't seem to brood as much when he sat on his throne. He even had started treating her...
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 1)
-xcom: chimera squad: the sequel/spinoff to xcom 2 was another easy contender for this entry, having all the polish of xcom 2 but with few optimization issues.
World of Wonders: Introduction
This is a semi-spinoff of park of mirari in an alternate universe, and is an adventure story coming to life. it will have naughtiness in future chapters, but for now, it's setting stuff up more than anything.