Soft Like Snow- Ch.1

Hey guys~ I haven't written anything in quite awhile, I know, but I just wanted to see if some of my writing will still be good enough and blah~ if I have time in life, I hope to keep going with some of my stories (which I half started on my...

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Soft Rain, Hard Cobbles - Chapter 2

#2 of soft rain, hard cobbles "gah! stop doing that, you'll give me a heart attack." jace nearly tipped over as melissa lowered herself before him. "but watching you jump is just sooooo fun."

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Valencia III

"we made it." she said softly. rhett wiped saliva from her head. "we should probably get gone before she wakes up." "yeah... come on, our stuff's not to far from here." they took off, running as fast as they could.

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Part 15 - What Was Destined To Happen

**Part 15 - What Was Destined to Happen** I can't believe it, but I woke up way before my alarm clock went of. I took my shower, got dressed, even made my own breakfast and lunch. By the time my mom woke up, I was ready to leave for...

The husky and The Crocdile short story

The husky brims with exitment to meet his blind date his eagerness could not be explaned but little did he know his date wanted to the husky to get more equainted with his stomach the husky hears the doorbell ring and he opens the door with great...

This time I lost some...

He groaned in ecstasy as he engulfed the huge tiger, despite the difficulty of it he had finally made his way down his chest and had begun to pull in the soft light colored gut that hung from his jaws, a few greedy gulps and he was halfway there, his neck


Mightyena Vore story

: conatains soft vore. no deaths. if you don't like it, then don't look and back! rated v for vore it was a quiet day for cory, so he walked through the woods. he walked into a cave. he thought it was empty, but it wasn't.


The Trip Part 2

As i tried tugging at the shorts, i felt the soft brown fur. it was as soft as sheep's wool, i could just lie on it and sleep i thought to myself. slowly tugging at it i manage to get the shorts free, that's when my stomach grumbled.


The Trip Part1

**Disclaimer, I wrote this back when I was 12. It has vore in it, and may not be good :( I'm trying to get back into writing so any feedback and suggestions would be great.** The Trip All I hear are the birds chirping, the wind rushing against my...


"Soft Serve Swirl" - Chapter 7: Moose Guest

#7 of soft serve swirl the two now in the v.i.p. room with it being above the main floor with all loud music and sounds of the crowd almost mutable inside the room. it has its own atmosphere with it being calm and very upscale.

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The Gift of Gluttony

He laughed softly and rubbed a hoof against it, feeling it sink down into the soft blubber. being fat was a new experience for him; he had always been rail-thin thanks to how much he flew, so he was relishing just how good it felt.

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