Tomb of the Jungle Queen

She laughed again, before reaching down to his legs, her claws closing around the skin once again. more skin was ripped off, and more screaming echoed through the hall. but even through the pain, dr.

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Did they have it cool to get me to accept the new skin and fur? and why russet? why not new skin with my own skin and body hair color?

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The Changing

Very slowly, his skin began to darken. it didn't look like it was getting tanned, but rather like something very dark was growing behind his skin, and his skin was gradually becoming transparent.

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The skin over her forefeet was filling out, fatty tissue pushing into the skin to make her paws. i worked her toes next to help and, like her fingers, the knuckles were swollen and hot from the claws taking root.

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The Cursed

My spine flowed like water, stretching out as a stream of bone, muscle, skin and fur: a thick tail. as my hand tightened on her wrist again, she cried out in pain, and i realized that my claws had pricked her skin.

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Neko City2040 (Bio's)

Depending on what mood he is in skin color: white fur color: can change his color's fav.

The Limits

Preventative action may be necessary to prevent bed sores and skin infections. cultures from skin swabs inside folds of skin show a growth of anaerobic bacteria and isolated skin fungal growth.

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Captivity Ch. 1

I felt a hand on my skin, but my skin felt so different. it didn't feel smooth like it usually did. the fingers seemed to ruffle against something on my skin.

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He backs up from the mirror, watching as the last rosy pink skin gets covered in silky, white, shouldn't-be-there fur.

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It's So Weird in My 18th Year!

Heat waves rippled across his forearm as the skin began to warp like melting metal. colby cried out as a new row of fleshy spines formed from his skin, each connected by thick, opaque webbing.

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The Blood Which Binds

"your blessing, and your next skin." he froze. whatever she'd learned, whatever knowledge she was practicing now, it sickened him. the things a witch could do with another's skin... there were reasons one burned their own sheds. "absolutely not."

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Everchanging - Prologue

It was like the chest was acid, slowly but surely melting his skin and fur like a hot knife on butter. the blood oozed out and onto the ground, along with random chunks of his skin and fur, and landed together in a heap before him.

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