
"that's not the point, i hate your singing." "i don't sing that badly, hell my voice is like dio only at the normal pitch haha." john bragged to himself. ganta flicked his nose and got off of him. walking out of the house and slamming the door.

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Tamer of the Mountain

He held a hand over the crater, closed his eyes and began singing. a song that burned with fire hot enough to melt even the burning liquid that flowed down the face of the mountain.

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Heart of Ice Ch.5

Now markus was singing for me, words of love and desire floating in the air.

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Heart of Ice

I tried not to think about him and focus on singing.

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A Krystal Encounter Ch.5: The Nightmare

I decided to return the favor, and gathered the strength to sing back. " **why can't they understand the way we feel?

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:8 Bowser`s favorite moment

Jewelia sings. the main verse end, and bowser tarts singing. "she`s a beast. i call her carma. she eat your heart out, like jeffery darma" bowser sings. he sounded great too. the song finished. jewelia hugs bowser. "i knew you could sing.

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losing hope ch.3

sing it then goes into mr.crowley so fast i can't think.

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Flight of the Choir

Aloft each wing, they chirp and sing to which each bird fondly replies.

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Singing my heart out

I took a deep breath. The influx of air in my lungs helped to assuage my nerves. Behind me, I could hear the restless beating of my tail on my pants, the quiet murmurs of the crowd waiting behind the door. I pushed the air out with a controlled huff,...

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destiny part 1

Look pretty down so gabumon got a head set microphone from the dj table and grabbed dorumon, "i know i'm not your father but i don't what you to feel left out dorumon," said gabumon "thank you big brother," said dorumon gabumon began to sing

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Stage Night

(Disclaimer: I do not own Mystery of You by Red, but i do own all of my characters...and the story.) I looked at myself one last time before we hit the stage. I was pretty scared at the moment. I'd never actually been on stage before even if it was...

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29. The Minstrel's Misery

"so, why are you singing then if you're going to restrict an obvious rhyme." the braxien scoffed at the girl. "i am not trying to rhyme necessarily. a limerick doesn't have to." "sure it does if it fits." she said. "why is it you're singing anyway?"

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