
Swagger given a sedative," instructed the doctor. "yes, doctor." she turned back into the doorway, "orderly! bring two gurneys and a sedative."


New Lease

Torres, to wake up for more than a few seconds under this heavy a sedation! and you're able to move your extremities as well. hm... nurse, 10 ccs of the sedative. it's the most we can safely use at this juncture."

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Some Welcome Additions

Tammy had overheard me request smallpox and demanded one as well after telling harriet how to sedate calliope if she needed to.

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Waiting for Thunder

I guess the sedative's wearing off," was his excuse. or maybe, he told himself, you need a stronger sedative. but that was the problem, wasn't it: there no was no medicine in the universe that could de-mouse a mouse.


Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 8

I think a mild sedative might even be the only course of action.

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Shadows REturning: Chapter 4

Arriving at my room, nivek spoke with the doctor's voice saying, "hi, there i am here to review your charts really fast, and then to administer the sedative so that you can rest up. okay?" i responded, "no!

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Kindred Spirits, Fang's Nightmare

The adrenaline was making his head spin, making it hard to focus on the task at hand, to say nothing of the lingering sedatives.

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Mental Break

Some more rustling, "you will be injected with a sedative and placed back into your room for observation. if you are still passive you will be allowed to engage with your fellow patients."

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 7-Kiddnapped

I was then sedated and dragged to an arena. once the sedative wore off,i was able to stand and what i saw was amazing. the area was huge. i'd say the ceiling was at least 300 feet up,which gave plenty of room for areal maneuvers.

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Lore Bonus: Argus' Augmentations

(_honestly_, _i didn't think that goop could get any worse._) the sedative rapidly took effect at 6:00, right as hannibal brought the subject into the operating room where we waited for him to go under.

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The mumbling of hushed voices echos through the grogginess of the sedative. red alert, and escape are the only coherent words i'm able to extract.

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