Serval and Sheep (Chapter 17)

"we need to be careful this time because of the pyrotechnics. just keep your distance, follow the routine, and it should be fine." "we're really stepping up our game this season," poppy comments excitedly.

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Dante's Awakening. Chapter 3

"so i am just a perambulating pyrotechnic now am i?" dante teased. she punched him again... "sod off...i will go fetch that wood. we will set off at dawn's first light."

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Dante's Awakening Chapter 3

"so i am just a perambulating pyrotechnic now am i?" dante teased. she punched him again... "sod off...i will go fetch that wood. we will set off at dawn's first light."


Pokemon: Academy Days Trailer

Hades grinned proudly, "i'm a pyrotechnician, you need to work a lot in chemistry to work with pyrotechnics." he said. then elliot asked, "like working with this?" he asked as he grabbed a bubbling beaker with red liquid bubbling.

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Project Apotheon cast

Umit'lite edborsu "brutus", demolition expert and pyrotechnic of the team, commander of the ship "caesarion iii": older brother to tundra and lover of all explosives and bombs, brutus is a bit of a simple boy.

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Endings and Transition

From outside the once stoic death mountain was a pyrotechnic display just one firecracker short of... and there we go. total meltdown.


Potato Soup

Furs pray and they want god to answer them with pyrotechnics. they want god to prove himself ... when it's we who should be proving ourselves to him. but they want him to flash miracles in front of their whiskers.

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Unexpected Circumstances

They exploded in stunning display of pyrotechnics, shooting shards of molten metal and broken corpses through the empty and airless vacuum. six knew that he couldn't do this forever, he needed to act swiftly.

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The Search for Ka'Le (14/15)

"they know what they signed up for and they're capable fighters, now hurry and give me the stone before i make you teach beginner's pyrotechnics at the university!"

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Blue Sky

She'd seen blackgrowlmon's pyrotechnic display., and there was no way a simple privet bush was going to protect her.

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Fire shot up from the stage, the wonderful pyrotechnics illustrating perfectly how the group was feeling at that very moment. they started yelling and hugging each other before being called up to the middle of the stage.

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Feet First

~~~ clarence, thankful of that beautiful son-of-a-bitch who first discovered the practical uses behind a pyrotechnic mix of magnesium and ammonium nitrate, chased the 9-bangers they'd thrown into the fray and opened up on the stunned aliens

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