Drunken Halloween Lullaby #2

Causing the ballooned necks to wobble and get much more taut, but the wave caused the pressure to echo through his body.

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Deep in the Web

The pressure was growing at the base of his tail, his pants pinching around it as it became thicker with every passing moment. soon the button over his tail tore open, relieving the pressure and allowing the growth to surge outwards.

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Transformed Struggles- 1

It then practically tears open his zipper and was about to try and pull down the backside of his pants to relieve the pressure when he feels it already starting the pressure fading.

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A day at work

Is pushed on top of him, everything keeping black the pressure hellish on his form as he thinks his life is over, the pressure lifting with a new step the little dog's form now totally flat crushed lightly into the treads of the shoe like a piece of chewing

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The blink (Government views)

The pressure aspect is also simple. in any given pressure situation the pack's heat component works off of the force provided. more pressure means more energy. the cold energy is one of my best discoveries.

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Winston and the fruit

Winston felt a pressure rushing to his rear and in response he clenches his buttocks as he pinches his eyes shut just to hold all the pressure in which grew more and more potent by the second, at this point selma knew he was holding it all in "hey, winston

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Cross between two worlds WIP

"the pressure you felt was something called spiritual pressure, the pressure is based on the power of someone's soul.

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Coell Universe - Space Rescue

Gellan released the oxygen nozzle slowly, allowing the air pressure to gradually ramp up over a period of several seconds before reaching a standard atmosphere of pressure.

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Drunken Lullabies #17

Only for that pressure to begin in beo's cheeks as well. swelling them outwards into small balls that only grew more when it started to expand his neck.

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Once Strong, Once Proud

The prey inside must be paste from the pressure alone, but that didn't stop the stomach from spilling out from his sides. his legs wanted so badly to spread apart to relieve some of the pressure, but he couldn't.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 17

Scott experimentally pounced up and down on the tips of his toe pads, the bouncer jumped appreciatively, which each downstroke putting extra pressure on his diaper bottom.

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