Latios and Latias Ep.2 (Part 2)

Xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /\> "can i have them back now matty?" adam asked. matthew hesitated. "hello? is anyone in there?" matthew shook his head. "huh? oh yeah, sure." he gave them back to adam.

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Species List

As very few ocsunemon actually digivolve, most mitsunemon gain a prefix to their name to do with their element, common ones are flame, rock and wave. secondary ability tends to be control of their element. canimon: digivolution of puppimon.

Latias and Latios CH.2 (part 4)

Xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /\>** adam opened his eyes slowly, and noticed a gate covered with vines opening to his right. a bright light came from that gate.

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Latios and Latias EP.2 (Part 6)

Xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /\>** latios and latias knew why adam couldn't speak. something was happening to adam, but they don't know what it was quite yet.

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File #4 - "Test Your Metal"

"if you are thinking of taking advantage of the victorious's prefix code, i am pretty sure that it would be changed..." "just... shut up and let me think!"

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_nàa_ -prefix relating to family; _rek_ -suffix relating to child. male/female differentiation conveyed telepathically.

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File #7 - "Revolution"

We took the victorious back to our new home and it... well the ship used the database to get the prefix codes of our small fleet." zant looked horrified at the prospect of what the doctor was saying.

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Experiments--Chapter One

To disable sys prefix, use menu\>tools\>config // the pain subsided quickly. a new message appeared. //sys--question: enable bionet?

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Bonus Material: Deleted Scenes

The prefix al' is an uncommon possessive. when used on a verb, it means, "i \ with all that i possess."


Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans [Pre-Apocalypse]

These days, it seemed, all the worst high ranking commanding officers wanted to land in a place with a royal prefix. and if they didn't, they simply took out their frustrations on those they were tasked with commanding.

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Identity: Chapter Fifty

The number was unfamiliar, but began with a san fernando prefix. another snitch, perhaps? he tapped the "answer" option with a paw pad. "hello?" ned listened for only a few minutes.

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Ravens gate

Xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /\> **chapter 1: the opening of raven's gate** by the approval of the midnight society, i call this... "the tale of ravens gate."

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