Life by the Page 4
4 "The Owls Den" was the only book store in town. It was a small store but every nook and cranny was occupied by a book. They were stacked in every conceivable space, nook, cranny, or overhang. There stacked precariously against the walls all the way...
Life by the Page 3
3 The coffee was perfect as always and with a cheerful air Leon felt he should treat himself to trip to the book shop. He and Gabe spoke briefly about the shy fox he had bumped into. Gabe felt that the fox had a little thing going for Leon but Leon...
Life by the Page 2
2 Luckily for Leon his favorite café was one of the first buildings he would come to. As he saw the sign for "Gabe's Café" he quickened his paced as his mind wrapped around the fact that his hands would soon be warmed with a cup of coffee. Leon rushed...
Life by the Page 1
1 Leon sat back in his chair as the ashes fell from his cigarette. He let them fall carelessly as they fell to the floor. He stared at the fire place as was his habit whenever Martha "left him". He was tired of Martha, tired of her pulling on his...
Life by the Page 9
There was life in each paragraph and with each page was born clarity and beauty. he wasn't stuck in his rut, his mind was free and so were all his worries.
Life by the Page 8
They spoke of ideas and desires they had, ambitions like stories long forgotten, never quite reaching the page in time as they floated out of their skulls and into the atmosphere.
"The Best Their Is . . ." Page 3
Bret hart paces around the ring preparing himself for his upcoming match, the 6ft tall 246lb dark grey wolf starts sweating buckets running and bouncing from one set of red ropes to the other attempting to pump himself up as best he...
"The Best Their Is . . ." Page 1
He was furious. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He slammed the phone back- down onto the receiver and sighed as he walked over and took a seat on the couch his eyes were terribly blood shot and teary. He then stood up and...
Life by the Page 7
7 The next few days were very much the same. It was cold, dark, and somewhat lonely in his house. Leon didn't feel so lonely though, only when he was not preoccupied with his work. The fire in his hearth burned and crackled every now and then as he...
Life by The Page 5
5 Leon paid for the book that Nathan had accidently taken when he left the store. Leon explained everything to the owner. Dave was a light hearted Hyena so he laughed and said it wasn't a problem. He was in high spirits the rest of that afternoon. He...
The Presence Between the Pages
"the deal has been made," the presence between the pages purred. "and now you will go north."
They Came From the Pages
At that time, a glowing white portal like the one from a few weeks ago seemed to appear between the pages. the three supervillains did not expect what happened next. they got sucked into the pages at the same time and were gone in seconds.