For present day out lookers, it seemed like a paddle.
All's Fair In Love And Cinnamon War
She and tammy get on a raft and start paddling. the policefurs and twins make it there next. "here come more teams!" kitty points behind her. "all the more reason we need to go faster." kit says.
Wildstar Chronicles - Cubs of Wildstar Elementary Ch. 1
His right hand brought the paddle up, leaving the paddle, letting it hover for the faintest moment, before he grabbed it with his left, giving it a backhanded spin, using as much strength as he could muster to put as much of a spin as his technique would allow
Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 8
Using this method, they were able to help him stay afloat, while charlie himself worked on his doggy-style paddling technique. now, however, charlie objected.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Two
I feel like i'm sinking" timothy paddled a little ways behind biro, with the water just above his shorts. "sinking? but how?"
Catnip Tea Cup One
She hissed out, rubbing the paddles together. "clear!" she called out as she pressed the paddles to his chest and pushed the button, sending a jolt of electricity through his body, causing him to jerk up.
Pool Crasher
He gasped, flailing about in the water, starting to paddle towards the closest edge of the pool to get out of it. however, as he paddled he started finding it harder and harder to move his limbs, till eventually he couldn't paddle at all.
Maycor and Demaeter 4
He briefly spread his wings for stability, then he furled them back up and resumed paddling with all four paws. jarzyl ignored her cousin as maycor slowly swam around her much larger body.
Which Way To Tallahassee?
They get in a canoe and start paddling after the others in the lead. "make sure to get my good side, ok?" parker asks. "would i let you down?" chloe asks. she starts drawing.
A slightly less silly Echo fanfic
Tj screamed, paddling more desperately to not sink. he looked above, and the intense sunlight blinded him. disoriented, he screamed and paddled erratically until he felt his foot hitting something. not a rock, a person. "jane!?"
Kaisa and Adina: Flatlined...
================================= a pair of paddles emit a soft hum as they charge in the doctor's hands. "clear!"
Invane: Bearcy Through
paddle away!" screamed horizoki as haziyo shoved his paws into the rushing waters and started paddling away. harkell and havlut also dipped their paws into the waters too, mirroring what haziyo was attempting.