The Hunter

He smiled, all too happy to oblige, my deepest fantasy, my darkest desire. he made me complete, he gave me meaning, his prescence, enough to elate me.

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Stagger, overwhelmed my empathy is a buttress built from your tragedy (pray forgive me) there's little i can do across this divide i know you not well enough to rush to your side i muster what mana i can borrow from what gods will oblige

Receding Memories

Morals swept out to sea, swaying, in a basket, they sleep the rain of disgrace will not stop even love is destroyed by the heartless mankind the obligations given to me as i was born surely they are the reason for my weakness it's the color of tears

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Meds

No, you see a vulpine witch doctor peddling whatever psychosis will free you from your social obligations. meds deals in meds from a secluded hut on an uncharted island.

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My World, Our World, One World, Small World

Where random acts of kindness are more of an obligation. where chivalry is not yet dead. where one is never wary of strangers, because there are none. where there's room for everyone, if everyone makes some room. where love reigns supreme.


The Beastmaster

He raised his hands obligingly, and chuckled softly. 'what do you think is so funny?' growled the officer, keeping the villain in his sights.

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Project Pandora #2

The tiger finally obliged and let him out, his face stunned as he's doing so.

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Light Bane: Chapter 14

Hans, feeling grateful of the efforts in calming him, now had an obligation to return the favor.

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Days before obligations. days of spirits and beer, of wine and weed. days when you fought for my beliefs, though they were never your convictions.

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A Moment Later (Otherwise Untitled)

~ where panic mixed with terror drained from her, the cold reality of dread and realization readily obliged the vaccum. the ferret wasn't getting up. she could hear running, in the hallway.

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Understanding Wreck (Otherwise Untitled)

He simply glared at the bluejay, an expression of not believing this claim of hers, while trusting her enough to oblige.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (15)

Regulations, however, means we're obliged to inform prospective students that we don't teach them any more. many hopeful applicants come here from the far reaches of the world because they believe we still do. does that answer your question?"

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