Arctic's Memorial House (Chapter 2)

The officer finishes, as he closes up his notepad. arctic watches as they take away cindy's body. he picks up her notebook and skims through the pages, he didn't find anything interesting except for one page.

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Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2

Kickaha used his talons to rip the papers straight out of the notebook. he went through each of them one by one until there a pile of shredded paper twice his size next to the notebooks. now they were light enough to use!

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Chapter 1- "A Cheetah Named Light"

It was just a notebook. just a notebook. the cheetah stuffed the book under his mattress, somewhere where he knew father wouldn't find it in case he barged in for some random reason.

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Dead Trees

The notebook positioned itself so that she could hold her ink-dipped pigeon feather in her other hand near it in a way in which the notebook could scratch its own 'back' made of its own pages

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A Priest Meets a Different god (Untitled Otherwise)

She had taken up his notebook and was scribbling in some sorts of drawings, as he looked up to wait for her to take her own shot in turn. she dismissively waved at the table.


Healing the Soul Chapter Three

Except for a few pieces at the beginning, it takes up the majority of my notebook."

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Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter One

The raccoon showed friendly his notebook "art?" said the fox... "oh! you're name's art!" art nodded with a small smile on his face. "my name's harry... but everybody calls me 'friendly'" replied the fox art showed friendly his notebook again.

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The Lost Tomb of Ometeotl

Slipping the notebook back into his jacket, he padded onward down the dank cavern path, his walking stick thudding against the hard stone floor. checking his notebook just now reminded dave of just how much effort he put into this particular job.


Werecorgi [M / TF / SFW]

Looking down, he noticed a small black notebook wedged between the leg of the chair and the wall. the notebook fell open to a quick circular sketch that covered half of a page. handwritten notes filled the rest of the page.

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Change in Venue- May

Upon seeing it jahorii stops and takes out his notebook again before scribbling in something on one of the pages. once he had finished he puts the notebook away again before flipping the advertisement off and then continuing on his journey.


Frost - Prologue

She pulled out a notebook from her desk and slapped it to his chest. "don't open it, don't ask questions, and don't screw this one up," she smirked.

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Perceptional - Pt 6: Hodgepodge Fix'er Upper

Mark still had not come back, and the notebook had been constantly flipping between purple and red for the longest while. he got his cellphone and scrolled through his contacts.

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