Arctic's Memorial House (Chapter 2)

Story by Arcticfoxxy on SoFurry

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#2 of Arctic's Memorial House

Chapter Two of my first story.

Make sure you've read chapter one to get the story!

Arctic's Memorial House

Chapter two: Times Changing

It was a quiet Saturday morning, the birds were chirping and the trees were swaying quietly in the wind. Arctic had finally gotten himself to rise up out of bed, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and slowly stumbled over to the drawers. Arctic put on his favorite jeans and shirt, he let out a yawn and proceeded to make his bed. Arctic went downstairs to make himself some toast.

Out of the corner of his eye, Arctic noticed a postman leaving a package on his doorstep.

"Really?, At this time of the day" Arctic mumbled.

Arctic went and opened the door, he glared at the small package with "Arctic" written in scratchy letters on it. He picked it up and put it on his dinner table, as he opens the package and pulls out the contents a strange photograph catches his eye. It showed a bird's eye-view of a Military outpost, looking confused as why some one would send him a picture of an outpost, he puts the photo down.

"I see you have the package" A female voice said.

"And who might you be?" Arctic replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"Please, I am Cindy Cox." The girl said, taking off her hat.

Cindy takes off her long coat, handing it to Arctic.

"Now, why are you in my house?" Arctic said, as he puts her coat on the hook.

The young wolf walks up to Arctic and puts her hand on Arctic's shoulder.

"I may have info about your brother and The Syndicate" hinted Cindy

Arctic looks at Cindy with a surprised expression on his face.

"They may be watching us as we speak" Cindy said cautiously.

A black low-rider pulls up outside as it's passengers open fire on Arctic's house with SMGs , one of them lands a successful shot on Cindy's head, killing her instantly. Arctic dives behind his sofa as they drive off, Arctic stumbles back onto his feet and reaches for his mobile. Arctic dials in 911 and asks for the Police, as he is telling them about what happened moments before he picks up Cindy's notebook.

The Police arrive quickly and begin to take photos of the crime scene, one Officer walks swiftly to Arctic to question him.

"Arctic, is it?" The Officer asked Arctic, with a notepad and pen in his hands.

"Yes." Arctic replies, as he directs his vision back to Cindy's body.

"I am Officer De-Winters, could you please tell me what happened here today?" The Police Officer requested, opening his notepad.

"Well, the young lady sent me a package supposedly containing info about my lost brother and The Syndicate" Arctic explained.

"Mhm, go on." The Officer said, taking down notes.

"Cindy said she was under watch by The Syndicate, but those guys didn't look like they were from it" Arctic exclaimed.

"Thank you, all we needed to know." The Officer finishes, as he closes up his notepad.

Arctic watches as they take away Cindy's body. He picks up her notebook and skims through the pages, he didn't find anything interesting except for one page. The page was headed "Supposed Syndicate Base", the pictures on the page matched the photos from the package.

"Cyrus, where ever you are I'll find you" Arctic said to himself determinedly.
