Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Nine: Barriers And Beyond

#10 of nanowrimo 2016 okay, ladies and gentle-furs: here we go... original draft - pre-editing this story was written as part of the 2016 national novel writing month.

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Running Tail Excerpt

Started writing a story that i'm not sure how it'd be received so thought i'd post an excerpt from the opening to get thoughts, ideas, even curious if people would like to see me try writing this for nanowrimo. paws slammed against the ground.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Five: Worshipping Death

#6 of nanowrimo 2016 i knew there were things coming in this chapter that some folk will have a hard time with. that said, it needed to be done. i hope it fills you with an idea of the life that the dagdarra live in the ramessin shadow.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives

#13 of nanowrimo 2016 and part two, continues. finally: we get into the heads of the crew. this is a rough draft and will remain, here, until i take down the files for the long editing process... i hope you enjoy it.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Six: Worlds Beyond Walls

#7 of nanowrimo 2016 i must confess, the recent united states election really undercut me. it ripped the rug out from under my expectations and sent me toppling into a non-inconsequential amount of fear and despair.

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Lead Not with the Switch

Another story sketch that had started under nanowrimo, and remained mostly unfinished. i really enjoy the idea of the characters involved, but it's a problem of where to go from there.

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True to Form: Part Twelve

#13 of true to form the final chapter before i got wrapped in nanowrimo. i need to continue with this story. imagine a blank slate. a white plane without any linear descriptions.

Rangertale, Ch.10: Resonance and Harmony

Times new roman: 23 pages, or approximately 2.09 pages/chapter 10,363 words- approximately 942 per chapter which means that while i've improved, i'm going to need more if i want to do nanowrimo. oh well.

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New Year's Day

"what my bear meant to say," he said with a grin, "is that one of the sayings about nanowrimo is, 'november is for writing; december is for editing.' so he's been taking the raw material and polishing it up."

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Buster's Upgrade

An example story for my buy my nanowrimo sale. see my journal for details! you too can have me work for you! buster had been all but worn out. his master had played with him for almost twenty years in every possible way imaginable.

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Mythical Beastmen Ch. 3

Going to be taking a month off from this fanfic for nanowrimo. shirou stuck another pin into the map of japan he and michiru had hung on his study's wall. "that's all of them." he said, ignoring the twinge of pain in his arm.



#1 of kingdom of felis welcome to the prologue of my nanowrimo novel, kingdom of felis! the cats here are anthros, meaning they walk on two legs and wear clothes, are basically human, but they still look like cats.

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