#1 of Kingdom of Felis
Welcome to the prologue of my Nanowrimo novel, Kingdom of Felis! The cats here are anthros, meaning they walk on two legs and wear clothes, are basically human, but they still look like cats.
Heavy white paws thudded on the ground as the tom cat raced through the nearly-empty streets. It was getting close to midnight, now, and few cats were out at this hour, save for the guards and other cats situated throughout the village closest to the castle. The guards were mostly just a symbol now, anyway. There was so little aggression from the other three Kingdoms that they almost had no need for them. It was a time when all four Kingdoms got along relatively well.
However, tonight's danger did not come from another Kingdom. It came from far beyond the walls of the Kingdom of the Setting Sun.
"Let me in," the white-pawed brown tabby tom said breathlessly to the two guards posted in front of the castle's entrance. He had scaled the steps before him with incredible speed, and the guards eyed each other wearily. "Please, I must speak with King Bird."
"King Bird is in his private quarters with Second King Heather," one of the guards, a burly black tom, meowed gruffly. "Unless this is a serious matter -- "
"This is a serious matter!" The brown tabby interrupted. "There is a danger, a great danger, waiting just outside of our walls! The King must know immediately. It won't do anyone any good to just be sitting around out here."
"And who are you, exactly?" The second guard, a ginger she-cat, asked.
"I am Moon that rises on the Shore, though most call me Moon," said the brown tabby. "My father is Snow falling gently on Leaf. The King's General."
Immediately, a look of recognition passed the two guards, and they bowed respectfully. "Of course! We apologize for any inconvenience," the black tom said quickly. "Please, do hurry. Ask one of the maids inside to fetch the King for you."
Moon nodded as the two guards opened the front door, and he rushed in without a second thought, running up to the closest cat, a small tortoiseshell.
"Are you a maid here?" He asked, noticing her manner of dress. She nodded wordlessly in response. "Please, go fetch King Bird. Tell him Moon that rises on the Shore, from the Thorn Heart family, is here to see him."
"I shall." The tortoiseshell dipped her head, then hurried off towards one of the columns of stairs. Moon watched her go for as long as he could, and then sat back, exhausted, on the floor.
As tired as he was, his mind was still racing. There was not much time. He needed to speak to the King immediately, and each moment that passed was another moment that their Kingdom was in danger.
The tortoiseshell returned a few minutes later. "The King is on his way," she meowed softly.
"Good," Moon said breathlessly. He still had not had time to catch his breath, and his heart still hammered against his ribs. The only thing he hoped was that the King would not be angry with him for interrupting his time with the Second King. He knew how much the two toms loved each other, and with Second King Heather expecting their first litter... things were tense in the castle. Moon's father had told him that much.
The tortoiseshell appeared worried about him, so she sat down next to him on the floor, folding her knees carefully. "Is there danger?" She whispered. Her whisper was not that much different from her voice previously, so Moon only barely caught her words.
"Yes, a great danger," Moon whispered back.
"Bears?" Her green eyes grew wide.
"No, no, not bears," Moon shook his head. "No, much worse than bears. Something the likes of which we have never seen before."
"How can you be so sure?" The maid asked cautiously.
"I saw it, in a dream, from the ancestors," Moon replied. His voice had gotten even lower than hers at this point. "But -- your Majesty!"
Moon leaped to his feet when the King padded into the room. The great King Bird who soars in the Sky, of the Silver Fang family, was now standing before him. The blue-gray tom's tail tip twitched, and his blue-green eyes narrowed as he looked down at Moon, who bowed respectfully. He stayed that way even as he spoke.
"I -- I am Moon that rises on the Shore," Moon meowed shakily. The tortoiseshell stepped away a bit, keeping her head lowered as well. For cats, making eye contact was almost forbidden. Eye contact was seen as a challenge, and the last thing either cat wanted to do was issue a challenge to the reigning King. "I am here to give you a message."
"A message?" Bird's eyes narrowed further. "It must be an important message. You are lucky that you are the son of my General. I might've clawed anyone else's ears for interrupting my time with my Second King."
"Yes, and an important one at that," Moon said, some strength returning to his voice. "You see -- I was told in a dream from the Ancestors that -- "
"The Ancestors? Only doctors and healers get messages from the Ancestors," Bird said incredulously.
"I'm sure it was from them -- I saw a cat with moons and stars in their fur," Moon clarified. "They told me that -- that your litter would bring about a new era. A time of great danger for the Kingdoms, and only one of your heirs would be able to stop it."
"Are you saying my kits are cursed?" Bird growled dangerously.
"No, no, not at all -- they told me that they have a great destiny," Moon squeaked. "T-two toms and a she-cat -- the she-cat will be the one to lead the Kingdom from danger."
"How could you know this? There's no way." Bird's tail lashed irritably. "But, I suppose there is a way to test your theory. Should my mate give birth to two toms and a she-cat, I will consider what you have said. Should he not..." Bird trailed off. "I suppose there is not much I could do to the son of my General. But it will be bad for you. Do you understand?"
Moon nodded briskly. "Yes, sir. I understand."
"Good. Now, go," Bird said, flicking his tail dismissively once more. "I must be at my mate's side."
One last time, Moon dipped his head, before dashing back down the great hall from which he had come. The tortoiseshell looked after him for a few moments.
"Moth," Bird called, motioning for his maid to come closer. She took a few cautious steps forward, stopping just short of him. "Send word to the General. Let him know about this development... and, make sure that news does not reach Heather. I fear it would cause him a great deal of distress."
"Yes, your Majesty," Moth said obediently, giving him a small curtsy.
They parted ways.
The King returned to his chambers. The warm scent of a nesting tom met his nose, and Bird smiled as he saw Heather curled in the middle of the luxurious bed. He had arranged the blankets and pillows in such a way that it almost looked like a real nest. Though this made sleeping in it a bit difficult, Bird was not going to voice any complaints.
"Are you comfortable, my love?" Bird asked, a purr rumbling in his throat as he carefully made his way onto the bed. He touched noses, then foreheads, with his mate, before curling around him protectively. "If not, I can arrange for -- "
"I'm fine," Heather replied. He shifted, putting one paw on the side of his swollen belly. "And the kits are fine, too. I think they missed you, though."
"Oh?" Bird nuzzled into his mate's neck. "Did they disturb you?"
"Not any more than usual." Heather smiled as one of Bird's paws rubbed his belly. "They do become unsettled when you leave, though."
"How sweet. Not even out of their father yet, and they already love me." Bird could not help the smile that stretched across his muzzle.
"Of course they do. They must understand how much I love you, and they feel the same way." Heather began to purr himself as he nuzzled closer to his mate. "Just think, any day now and we will meet them."
"They will be beautiful, just like their fathers," Bird said soothingly. "All of this will be worth it in the end."
He did not tell his mate of what he had just learned. That would not be something he was going to share any time soon.
The next day, it finally happened.
By about midday, there came the sound of cries coming from the castle. The cats in the village closest to the castle crowded around the steps and walls, as if compelled by the same force. They even moved as one, leaning forward and then jumping back when a new cry rang out.
They stayed that way for hours, waiting cautiously for news from the castle. So far, they had heard nothing. Then, finally, one of the maids from the castle appeared in the doorway.
"The kits have been born!" He announced. "Two toms and a she-cat!"
Somewhere in the crowd, Moon let out an explosive, relieved sigh.
Meanwhile, inside of the castle, Bird nuzzled his exhausted mate. In the curve of Heather's belly rested their three kits: a black and white tom, like Bird, a brown tabby tom, like Heather, and a brown and white tabby she-cat, a perfect mix of the two parents. Both fathers purred happily, tired from the birth, but happy all the same.
But still, Moon's warning hung in Bird's head. Looking at his tiny, defenseless kits, he wondered how one of them was supposed to save their Kingdom.
He would worry about that later.
"What are we going to name them?" Bird asked Heather.
The other tom twitched his tail in thought. "The black and white tom will be named Gull that flies to the East. We'll call him Gull." Bird nodded in agreement. "The brown tabby tom will be named Hawk who soars in the Sky. We'll call him Hawk. And the last..." Heather trailed off, looking at the little she-cat, who lifted her head and mewled loudly. "Our firstborn. Her name will be Eagle who calls to the Clouds. We'll call her Eagle."
Little did Eagle know, her path had been set for her as soon as her name left her father's lips.