Every Now and Then

Sometimes, you can't help but feel alone. Others, you can't but feel overwhelmed When all you want is balance, You get nothing but chaos. Every now and then, You take time to notice the impacts on your life. Whether it be all the stress and...

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Void Incursions Chapter 2: Arrival

Chapter 2: Arrival Location: Kelinen, Anar System Date: 01 AUG 2732 at 14:36 "Welcome to the Diadeem" Korrella chimed over the COM of the docking station "We hope you will enjoy your stay" While she was greeting the newly arrived guest, she was...

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Shattered Glass Chapter 13: History Repeats Itself

History Repeats Itself "So tell me Mr. ... What is your last name exactly if you don't mind me asking" Korrella asked feeling more talkative now that everyone was back in the room. "Xiaxel, Serail Xiaxel" I answered feeling somewhat obligated for...

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What makes one? What qualifies one as such? Can it be a good thing? Or is it a deadly sin? The sight of things, The feel of them, The needy lust, The once in a life chance. I see something i want, Something I may need, Or may simply...

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Void Incursions Chapter 1: Contact

Chapter 1: Contact Location: Kelinen, Anar System Date: 01 AUG 2732 at 13:52 As Korrella managed the tactical network hub orbiting Kelinen named the "Diadeem", she picked up a faint signal with such little strength that it barley registered on...

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Void Incursions Prelude

Exiting warp in an unplanned fashion was all but an easy process. There were many obstacles and factors that could blow one's ship up, crush, implode, rip apart, or other imaginable scenarios that made the idea of exiting a warp jump before the set...

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Void Incursions Prelude: Part 2

Prelude 2 As Sar and his fleet of ships reached the station orbiting the planet Kar, they noticed the lack of traffic that there usually was. Sar thinking nothing of it sent a docking request via the ship's COM system to the station and awaited a...

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Shattered Glass Chapter 12: Introductions

Introductions "Korrella what the hell was that?" The Panther screamed surprised at the new sound "That seemed a bit stronger than anything that has hit us before" "You can say that again. It drained 30% of my shields and even burst through and...

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Change. What defines change, Is it something unique, Or otherwise special? Can a person ever really change, Can one honestly admit that they aren't the same, That somehow something snapped, Or that some switch was flipped? Will I myself...

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Lone Wolf

Misery, It is my company, My only constant companion, Who never leaves my side. I awake, It is morning, No one is by my side, Nobody to lick my nose. I sleep, It is late, No one is waiting, Nobody to cuddle with. Every day, Blends...

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Brothel: Money Conversion

Real Life 1 pound = $1.60 1 pound = 240 pence 1 pound = 20 shillings 1 pound = 4 crowns 1 crown = 5 shillings 12 pence = 1 shilling Inflation to Story Line (Story Value) 1 pound = around $20 US 1 crown = $5 US


Dreams: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I felt like doing something really special for Marcus, and being new at this "liking a guy" thing, the only thing I could come up with was to cook him something nice and from scratch. I knew some of the things he liked such as steak,...

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