
"so you thought you might be low on food and, rather than getting more, you merged us together? really? that's what you're going with?"

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The Dragon

He had been studying the soul, watching him and waiting for the perfect time to merge with the soul. he saw the horrific dreams, the troubling world the soul was in for in the future. it was one soul he didn't have to ponder over.


Demarcation Line - Prologue

A few decades down the line, the animal dna that was merged with the human dna began to show when the first baby with the ears and tail of a wolf was born.

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a devil scar

Shouted both the ice dragon s and they shot ice spikes that merged together to form a massive spike. "there is no way that he can survive the ice brothers merge spike. if that hits, he dead." exclaimed a crowd member. a grin appeared on my face.

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Crola the (Dark) Magical Girl (Naga TFTG)

The legs merged and became covered by black scales. after they have completely merged, crola moaned as her tail started to lengthen to about thrice her original height. "a snake..." she whispered.

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Second Chance - Chapter 1

These lines will slowly merge into each other over time. centuries can pass before everything has resolved itself. and yet, here in the centre is a single line that all others merge back into, very quickly."

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The Goddess Statue (Anthro Cat TFTG)

"now that woman and goddess have merged, we shall become the queen of this world," the voice said, no longer in the room, but in ben's mind. "hold on, merge? woman? what are you..."

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Mymic's Test of Loyalty

His shoes vanished, as his toes elongated and merged in a similar fashion. a long tail emerged from his rear. not a thick tail, simply large tail feathers.

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Mysterious Package (Mega Ampharos TF) [GIFT]

Her hands became flat and merged with her arms, fingers leaving as they became more like flippers then anything else. her legs became larger and stronger while her feet became bigger and flatter. leanan's toes merged into one small white claw.

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Elders' Tale - Ch1

The soft white of her chest fur, merged calmly back into the gentle tan that dominated the rest of her form.

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Shooting Star (Warners Bros TF/TG) [TRADE]

Jeff's pajama pant legs merged together as they rode up his legs, stopping at about his knees. the newly formed skirt around jeff then became a rather bright pink color.

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