The Outlander 3 28
The stormvermin hesitated for a second before mattimeo leapt from some undergrowth sword ready, screaming, "reeedwaaaaaallll!" \* wataru, sandokhan and farlo heard mattimeo's warcry as clearly as a stream in springtime.
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mattimeo inquired. "we have no time to explain. you'll learn everything when we reach our sanctum," said allyosha.
The Outlander 2 19
If it wasn't for this beast here, he would've been killed," said mattimeo, put a paw on sandokhan's shoulder. "a fox!" flugg drew his short sword but mattimeo quelled the situation, "flugg, put that away.
The Outlander 2 21
They all turned around to see mattimeo who had wondered into cavern hole. "mattimeo, what are you doing out of bed?" the abbot asked.
The Outlander 2 18
"well i do know cheek's going to beg me to invite george stag hare," said mattimeo. "any relation to basil stag hare by any chance?" "'fraid so father abbot. he's basil's nephew," mattimeo replied.
The Outlander 3 30
mattimeo then rose from his seat, "how long exactly?" "about... two or three days getting there and another two to get back here," the otter replied. "better get a move on," mattimeo motioned.
The Outlander 3 33
mattimeo, wataru and tigerlilly drew their weapons. "what is the meaning of this?" said wataru. "hold on now. he's our newest friend," "oh! i didn't realise! he's your pal, is he? your chum," said mattimeo in a very sarcastic tone.
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The pair turned to see mattimeo with the sword of martin slung over his back. "it's gonna be dangerous," said wataru. "danger?" mattimeo scoffed. "we redwall warriors are like you samurai, we laugh in the face of danger!" sandokhan chuckled loudly.
The Outlander 3 34
"forgive me samurai, but i can't giveaway information of a sensitive nature to just anybeast," "we had a deal... apparently," mattimeo perked up.
The Outlander 39
"well according to mattimeo he eventually got married..." "to'm ritsuko?" "hoi! who's tellin' this 'ere story, you or rollo?" jube interrupted.
The Outlander 2 20
mattimeo, would you please retrieve our weapons from the gatehouse cottage?" mattimeo left his place at the table and left cavern hole to get the weapons.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 17: Sometimes The People You Think You Know The Best Are Those You Don’t Know At All
mattimeo and psi said in unison. "what does that exactly mean?" the head of medical asked as she noticed that she, mattimeo, psi and the child they were examining had started floating as if the gravity in their immediate area had simply been turned off.