The Outlander 2 21

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#22 of The Outlander

Book 2 Chapter 21


After the performance at dinner, both Sandokhan and Wataru were up on the north ramparts looking up at the star strewn canopy of the night sky. Wataru packed a smoking pipe for Sandokhan. The fox inhaled the smoke deeply. He recognised the smell and the taste, "Bunglers' Bane! You've brought Bunglers' Bane from Jima." "I thought it'd been a long time since you've had the sweetest leaf in the domain," said Wataru. The pair of them then lay on their backs, letting their eyes wander. "Isn't Redwall an amazing place?" Wataru nodded in agreement, "Its' wonder is beyond words." There was a pause before Wataru turned to his friend, "Sandy, if you've been here all this time why didn't you come back to Jima?" "When I first arrived I had to earn Mattimeos' trust. It wasn't an easy task. However in time, I grew a fondness for this place and I'm finding it difficult to say goodbye," "We really needed you back home," "Is that so?" "You're the Guardian of Mochizuki!" "Isn't Jagee doing a good job in my absense?" "Sandy, Jagee has been conspiring with the Stormvermin. He was the one who betrayed us at Niji Gate," "What?!" "Everything's destroyed. The Eshin army have ransacked the paddies and use the River Oda as a dumping ground for the dead. We have little food, not much drinking water. Sandy if you don't come back with me and do something everybeast is going to starve to death." "What about you? I mean you left," "I left to find you. Don't you see Sandy? You're our only hope." The foxs' eyes went sullen, "Sorry." Wataru stared blankly at his friend, "What's the matter? You're not the Sandy I remember," "I am not ready to leave and... I've met somebeast; a mouse-maid," "If you were your old self you would jump at a chance to free your homeland!" "You know Wataru, you're starting to sound like our old master," "Good! At least one of us does. This place has truly bewitched you with its charm. Master Krinz was wrong about you. You have no right to wield the Starfire! If you will not save Jima then I'll do it... on my own." With that the otter got up and stormed off to his dormitory. Before descending the steps to the courtyard, the otter allowed himself one last glance. "Ritsuko misses you too," he added. Sandokhan turned his gaze back up to stars and felt tears of frustration roll down his face.

That night Sandokhan had a dream. He was back in Jima commanding an army of Samurai in battle against the Stormvermin. The scenes were like those the fox had witnessed back at Niji Gate. In front of him, surrounded by his personal guard, stood Ikkit Claw. He heard Wataru yell behind him and the otter charged at the warlord. Suddenly, Claw's shadow grew longer and darker. As Wataru reached the edge of the shadow, a long lance shot out of the blackness and impaled the otter through the chest. Then another and another, the otters' corpse was then hoisted into the air where the lances wiggled around making the corpse dance a grotesque jig. The fox then surged forward and drove the Starfire into Claws' chest. _ Crack!_ A long crack run up the length of the Starfire katana with fractures spreading throughout the blade. The sword then shattered into thousands of pieces in the foxs' paws and Claw raised his brazen limb about to make it connect with the foxs' head. "Here, take my blade!" Sandokhan reached behind him and seized the grip of the blade, drawing it from it's scabbard. Sandokhan then hacked and slashed at the black figure until it lay dead at his feet. The fox looked at the blade, it was the same sword Mattimeo carried. The corpse then faded away and so did the blade he used to kill it. Sandokhan then found himself back at Master Krinzs' dojo. There stood in front of him in the blazing sun was the mouse from the tapestry, Martin the warrior. This time the mouse was dressed in full armour with his sword securely fastened to his belt. Martin then spoke to Sandokhan in the language of his homeland, "You know who I am." The fox bowed politely to Martin. "The time to leave has come. I know the abbey is a wondrous place but you must leave or your land will never be free." "I am not even prepared," "Your master says you perceive much," "You knew my master?" "Correction. I know your master." Sandokhan heard the shuffling of paws behind him and saw his old master, the hare Akito Krinz. "Sandokhan, your mind is closed." The fox shook his head protesting, "No. How can it be?" "You have closed off your mind since coming to this place and have forgotten everything I have taught you. Look within yourself Sandokhan. You are to become more than what you already are. You must journey with Wataru back to Jima and join him in the struggle that lies ahead." "How will I do that? I don't even know where to begin," said Sandokhan. "Begin by remembering who you are. You are my brightest student, the Guardian of Mochizuki and the sword of your Shogun," the hare then shuddered and faded away. The fox turned back to Martin, "Truth will out...." Martin said as he pulled out a small prayer bell, like the ones carried by Tin-Jins' monks. "And so will you." The bell sounded with complete and absolute clarity.

The fox awoke in his bed. He turned his head to see Sister Stephanie curled up slumbering soundly next to him. She was clutching onto his large, brush-like tail as a dibbun would clutch a treasured bedtime toy. Sandokhan lay back and was drifting off back to sleep when he heard the soft tinkling of a prayer bell, like in his dream. The fox then sat upright and got out of bed. As he put on his nightshirt, Stephanie awoke sitting up in bed using the bedclothes to conceal her nakedness. "Sandy? What's the matter?" "It's nothing. Go back to sleep," as the mousemaid settled back under the bedclothes, the fox retrieved the Starfire from a rack the abbeydwellers had made for him. Sandokhan opened the door slowly and made his way to Cavern Hole. While walking down the dormitory corridor he bumped into Wataru. "You heard it as well?" "As clear as a stream in spring, matey." When they made their way down to Cavern Hole, Abbot Sedge was up in his nightshirt chatting away to somebeast. When the pair got closer, Sandokhan recognized the features of the strangers' appearance. The red and gold robes, the wooden staff, the extra long beard an aide carried behind him. "TIN-JIN!" The fox called out. The blind mouse rose from his seat with his aides' assistance. The two friends then embraced each other, Sandokhan was so thrilled he couldn't let go. "Hehehe, Hello Sandokhan, my lad! Hehehe!" "I thought I'd never see you again," said the fox releasing the old monk. "I know Jima has recently become an unpleasant place to stay, but in my heart I knew we would cross paths again." "Yes, Wataru told me of what has happened. I never thought things would get so bad so quickly," said Sandokhan. The fox then turned to the Abbot. "Father Abbot. I thank you for all the hospitality you have shown me over the past seasons. But I'm afraid it is time for me to leave Redwall. I must return home." The Abbot shook paws with the fox, "I understand, but what has brought on this change of heart?" "I received some sort of message... in my dream," "From Martin the warrior?" Abbot Sedge inquired. "Yes, how did you know?" The Abbot yawned and rubbed fatigue from his eyes, "It's not uncommon for our first warrior to guide us in times of need. What did Martin say to you?" "He said; Truth will out..." "...and so will you?" They all turned around to see Mattimeo who had wondered into Cavern Hole. "Mattimeo, what are you doing out of bed?" The Abbot asked. "I had this dream, I was standing in front of the tapestry and the image of Martin was engulfed in flame. Then my father stepped out of the tapestry and told me to accompany these two brave creatures back to Jima. Then I heard what sounded like a bell and I was drawn to Cavern Hole for some strange reason." Mattimeo stopped short as he saw the old monk. "Who's this?" Mattimeo asked, pointing at Tin-Jin. "His name is Tin-Jin," the Abbot explained. "And I find his conversations most intrigueing to say the least." "I assume I am addressing Mattimeo, son of Matthias and Cornflower?" The warrior mouse looked at Tin-Jin astonished, "You know who I am?" "Of course I do," Tin-Jin replied, "I wouldn't be very enlightened if I didn't know!" As the night drew on, more and more creatures came wandering in from their sleep, all with the same words on their lips. Sandokhan had soon learned that it was Tsuzuku the otter who had brought Wataru to Mossflower and also that his ship, The Heart of the Ocean, was still anchored offshore next to Salamandastron, the mountain stronghold of the badger lords. Nobeast was able to sleep for the rest of the night as the small band of adventurers made plans for the voyage to the far east.