D.E1 Chapter 51: The Third Offense Part I

R105 had been connected to canis major successfully, which enabled some of its defense systems, but at the cost of forcing the old canis major's mainframe to its limits.

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Cadet Sahshir Katje

They wanted to complain on how unfair it was for major "runt" to single katje out. except sahshir wouldn't let them call her that, not even when the major wasn't around. they wanted to say so many things.

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D.E1 Chapter 55: The Third Offense Part V

Sector zero is the smallest sector in canis major so it would be easy to reach canis major's core.

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The Force Chapter three

The major found the one who had effectively been the second in command of these fools.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 4 - Dreams

Despite herself, major dauntless sighed, "and that's why you attacked him?" marien nodded, "yes, major." the major leaned back in her chair, pinching her nose, "what exactly did he say?" "i won't repeat it, sir."

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The Lock - Early Short Story Attempt

major brigby waited for me at the foot of the curving bay door. i choked back a growl and gave major brigby a salute. the major was privileged to fly on civilian airliners while i slunk around like baggage on multiple military cargo runs.

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pet dragon PT4

"because i meet someone, and i think he's watching now, major green" i said this and the major nearly wet himself.

D.E1 Chapter 65: Bittersweet victory

They couldn't take this battle inside canis major. that could be the death of many. "no one has opened them, major!" alpha thought he heard. "they are being opened from the inside!"

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The Battle Of Spring Fawn Valley

The pair came up beside major nimble and sky as they gained more altitude before the dragons caught up. major nimble called out, "alright, you know the plan! sky and myself will work primary attacks!

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D.E1 Chapter 48 Father and son reunited

I just need you to come over to canis major's hangar." schwartz was surprised by k9's words.

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