my kitten

No matter are fate we will always be intertwined till are last days.

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The Secret Dance of Two Male Cetaceans

Our blubber softened bodies slide and grind black on white, our graceful form's intertwine. deeper. deeper.

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The Sacred Valley

Whether upon earth or sky, this love of ours will never die, upon the mountains that sing where wildflowers grow, our hearts combine and i no longer shed the tears of woe, we hold hands, like two branches intertwine, our love climbs like an ivy


'Our Night'

Our bodies connected, our legs intertwined, the rushed moans: arousing and satisfying. our moment has begun. with a low, seductive growl. wrapping around your waist, your paws sliding around my neck.

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Friends, Lovers, Partners ~ Prologue

We walk away, holding paws, leaning against eachother, our tails intertwined. well, there's the prologue. not much, but at least it's something. as this is my first submission, and comments and criticism are welcome.

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Love for one

Shall we forever be intertwine till the end of time. for i'll protect her with all my fight for are love is true as the beautiful night. i hope we are never torn apart. for i simply could not get by. i pray to the god's were taking at one true time.

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Just Be By My Side (sonnet)

Our lives intertwined, together as one my heart can now rest, my searching is done. ()()()()()()()() this is a shakespearian style sonnet that i wrote one day.

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Poem #45: Imagination

When present bleeding of life when gone staining death upon the world ink the picture of mind images of idea written in presentation of the thoughts without thought life cannot be created and hollow death is left let the three intertwine


Winter Lullaby

It's tough, taking time truly to tear the walls down, hoping my bleeding ties, intertwines, my drops erasing all, chasing love in my mind. snowflakes shiver in the cold, growing old and gray. as the season passes so shall we surely?

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Poem #54: The Sea

_the sea_ some things in life aren't clear we hear the lies and truths intertwine into each other and sometimes, we cannot tell the illusion from our reality what we feel is not what always should be felt we do not understand what is beyond

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Never Let Me Go

I can't stay here forever for the first time, i found love - i hope our souls intertwine - i hope peace descends like a dove upon this house - you and i are in a bind.

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Sudden Dunce....

Mentioning of what kind, if you one day find your own stumble on memories you didn't expect to recall =p a simple dusting off, & a nod was enough to continue as we were before surprised at the meeting & funny greeting, it was a happy time for sure, our lives intertwining

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