Novel Chapter 1

DRAFT 1 Prologue Most people go through life never experiencing their surroundings. They listen to the news as they get on the way to work, remain semi-existent for eight hours at a time, before finally zoning out on the way home, where...

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Cold Days - Chapter 1

About a group of friends in a troubling time of an international nuclear crisis. this chapter mostly introduces characters and plot. note: some chapters may contain yiff in the form of m/f and m/m.

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Chapter 19 -- Inquiry

It quickly became apparent that such a system was rife for potential abuse, and there would be a need for internal oversight. thus, internal security was created to be an elite police force, within the police.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Orbital weaponry also violates international law. propaganda efforts may be made to cause international outcry enough to force the un to attempt to regulate the xdf's methods.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Orbital weaponry also violates international law. propaganda efforts may be made to cause international outcry enough to force the un to attempt to regulate the xdf's methods.

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Ch. 6 -- Trust

I don't even like to think about it too hard, in case internal security is monitoring my internal processes without my knowledge." the dragon put his tablet down and leaned back into the couch.

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Pitch Episode 18: To Catch a Heart

It seemed the leprechaun left the interns alone and only went after my team. wes was strong so he was stabbed at least 3 times before he went down.

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Pitch Episode 14: The Minor

Del toro made his intern work as a farmhand. gwen made her intern act as a housekeeper. young prince used bj like a sort of lab rat making her perform most of his new spells before he did.

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File #5 - "Discovery"

"ensign, download the ship's mission logs and i will focus on the internal sensors."

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He swivels in his chair and offers some dish on his desk to the intern -- some bowl of chew that apparently is a premium brand of alfalfa pellets. the intern politely waves it off.

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ULEMI: Urgent Weapons Update

\*ims-106 - international medical standards - edition 106 revision september 7. 2193 anno pax de

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