SPQR Chapter 7

The other seantors were now giving the wolf looks of cold dismissal- all were either imperialists or afraid of looking insubordinate around such an evil ruler. martellus was all alone in his fight against this unjust emperor.

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The savior

The horse gave an insubordinate look up to the civet, head pressed to the floor by the shotgun. the hyena looked to the civet with a completely bewildered look. he had no idea what was going on; why the civet would say such a thing.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 4 - Dreams

Major dauntless's eye twitched, "now you listen to me, you insubordinate little sh-" "not insubordination, sir," marien interrupted, keeping her tone even.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 14

I should expect no insubordination of any type from my crew at all. on, or off duty." "yes sir!" some of the officers barked. captain dewitt whispered something into the admiral's ear again.

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Layton's backstory part 3

His father turned, "we'll discuss your insubordination at home," and began to walk away. layton stopped holding his breath, and clutched the stuffed toy close to him. he began to shake and fell to his knees when his legs could no longer support him.

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Saga of the Dark Skald - The Guilder.

He was also a reckless insubordinate scoundrel. the truth was far less complicated. ulthar followed his gut and heart. it had made him many friends and just as many enemies. but he did what he felt was right. that was important.

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Chapter 2 - The Sixth Curse

Everything from pranks, to insubordination of elders to... gratuitous public fornication! with a junior healer's assistant, no less! given behavior like this, i should have you put in a stockade!"

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Imperial Justice

If there was one thing he learned from his father, it was how to stand up to an insubordinate. let them do their shouting... "are you done yet, general?" caius twitched his whiskers for a moment, and grunted.

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10KLY Question Pool

Your question brings to mind an episode where we were not just rebellious but downright insubordinate. the navy had just changed the uniforms and we didn't like the way they fit or something. so kisara and i showed up for duty in just our fur.

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(Bonus Content) Interdepartmental Memo

It's a trump card i am willing to play if you continue down this road of insubordination._ _the acolyte is what we have been working to recover from the beginning. it is why we chose you to lead this endeavor.

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Leaving the Den

That would be insubordination. i could order your own team," he said jokingly, "to put you in the brig." "and i could scheme with denali to ... declare you medically unfit for duty," she her calculated response. wren's whiskers twitched.

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