Interspecies Pamphlet (Initial Species Guide To Silver City Universe)

- most common temperament; most j'rali are reserved, studious, contemplative individuals. some j'rali can be quite aggressive when dealing with individuals with whom they are not familiar, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

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Once the figure reaches the consoles they become active and bathe this individual in a soft glowing light.

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4 - Contemplations on Divinity [Incomplete]

In the best of cases, it is nothing more than a really strong shock wave that would kill anyone within but a few meters from the individual, and the individual themselves.

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Blade Tail- The Library

But back on earth there were these seven individuals that were all extremely powerful individuals that had all these rules put in place on them so they couldn't operate freely.

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Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities

The planet was and still is, dotted with hundreds of small principalities run by some of the most depraved and decadent individuals in the galaxy.

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Hunting Death- Leaving Town

In any event i get a concerned look from this new individual and from hashal. "i'm okay," i groan, shaking my head a bit to try and clear out the remnants of the sensation.

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Twilight Fading

Or are you an individual? if you find out... let me know.

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Perennial Creeper Classifications

This makes them very difficult to spot but is probably the least dangerous out of all the infections than any individual.

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Ledyba's Story - Chapter Two

There were lots of other 'camp' areas where other matriarchs had made temporary homes for their individual swarms, and while the individual styles and scents were interesting at first, i soon found myself exploring other areas.

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100 In The Previous Episode of Sethkyllya

Encountering a mysterious individual who seems to know the future, sethkill is advised to find two specific individuals, terrowne kilroy ziusuadra (last seen in a remote outpost in hy-brasil) and cleo ymaris estar (celebrity exotic dancer, rumored brothel

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Wildtouched Species Data

With experience, shifting can happen voluntarily, or be held back, as the individual desires. further experience yields an "anthro" form that can also be shifted to.


Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

A list of the an individual "anthromal's" development has been created and i'll copy it here.
