Chapter XII: E = MC2

The helicopter pilots screamed as suddenly the center of mass was very, very to the left of the helicopter.

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23 Miles from Sarmanian, Circa 198X

His helicopter was just a few more meters away, and after several more heavy steps, he stopped before his aircraft, olga 3. he couldn't help but beam with pride. as far as attack helicopters went, the mi-24 was an ugly bird.


23 Miles from Sarmanian, Circa 198X

His helicopter was just a few more meters away, and after several more heavy steps, he stopped before his aircraft, olga 3. he couldn't help but beam with pride. as far as attack helicopters went, the mi-24 was an ugly bird.

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Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4

Red thought as he started running towards the helicopter. the drone of the helicopter drew more than blood-tail, however.

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The Augment

Once inside, the symbiont scurried on crab-like legs towards the human inhabitants of the helicopter, flinging itself upon them.

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WIP- Red Winter Spinoff.

One was a large chinook helicopter which was common utility helicopter but what surprised kashmir was the second one. it was a russian ka-50 hokum attack helicopter mounted with missiles, rockets, and a 30mm _shipunov_ 2a42 cannon.

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Zootopia Movie Script: Point 223 part 6

The camera then swings back to the car carrying the swat team and above them is the police helicopter. scene shift scene location: police helicopter over palm view beach scene: larry pats judy on her shoulder.

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Hell Jumpers Parts 1-3 (edited)

If we send a helicopter to get them out, that's one less helicopter that's going to be helping one ofour living squads stay alive" replied command calmly. andrew thought about it for a second, going quiet. command was right.

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Nations - intro

Spirit winged in the opposite direction, summoning what breath he had and expelling it into a feral roar as he charged the front of the helicopter.

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A Soldier's Heart Chapter Seven: John

We drove to a helicopter landing pad that was occupied by a large, military transportation helicopter. both the fox and the shepherd climbed out of the vehicle and went toward the back of the the helicopter.

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Dragons Lair pt 21

The helicopters had been given permission to use their rockets. a swat helicopter fired first, the missile not reaching the car as it swept in an arc. the rocket blew a 15 foot crater in the road, flinging a normal car onto its roof.

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