#2 of poetry
my four guides through life in haiku.
**the loon**
an unknown swimmer,
bird of the deep summer lake,
mournful haunting call.
**the hawk**
a patient hunter,
spread wings soaring high above,
deadly piercing call.
Frog, Hawk, Poetry, Snake, haiku, loon
My first time trying this version of my haiku poetry. let's see what all you critics think. :p
learning what it means,
only to have all the doors closed,
vainly i waited.
everyday i fought,
over and over again,
finally at end.
Gay, Gift, Love, M/M, Poetry, Wolf, valentine
#4 of lyric poetry
here's a more experimental piece that expands out from the initial haiku.
Bird, Experimental, Nature, Poem, Poetry, Texas, Verse, english, grackle, haiku, literature, lyric
#6 of hound's poetry corner
so here is the promised, wholly unrelated, poem i mentioned in my haiku's description. it might have a point, maybe not. my ultimate point was to force out a poem by repeating the title, and core line, over and over again.
Fox, Poem, empathy, free verse, hound, hound fox, practice, serious
So i decided that today was me time, here i'm attempting my paw at a bit of a haiku. though this is honestly my first time trying such things, i just felt compelled to try it.
done while listing to my december by linkin park
poetry @ [!
Love, M/F, Poetry, haiku
Sorry if it sucks, i dont write poetry very often. blank verse and haiku's are all i got :p
words words words,
so small, they are an idea
words cant cut skin or crack bones
words cant stop bleeding or
Poem, Thoughts, confusion, ideas, life, lonliness
That was a stretch
i know, it's true
but really, this is better than a haiku
so i leave you now
scratching your heads
wondering how to make sense
of this silly tale of slithery fun
that isn't my concern
my job is done
snakes are better
Comedy, Poetry, Rhyme, Snakes, silly, surreal, weird
bonus content: here's a(n alliterative) haiku i composed upon first seeing the art included with this tale
fighting the freezing
serpentine spine slithers slow
reptile's reached rescue?
Illustrated, Serpent, Snake, Snow, Winter
Deep in the forest,
Shrouded by the dark abyss,
Lays a lonely house.
Inside is a fox,
Fur as bright blue as the sky,
Paws as dark as night.
A common nightfall,
Relaxing in his comfort,
All is usual.
The light has left him,
The dark...
Creepypastas, Cswindle, Cswindle7, Fox, Generators, Horror, Icypaws, Pastas, Paws, Slender, SlenderMan, Swindle, creepy, creepypasta, eight, generator, icy, pages, pasta, scary