How I Became a Dragon (transformation and fat furs)
I knew right away that i was in trouble, and it wasn't just the door i had broken or the produce that i had glutted myself on. 'humans can be difficult to tell apart from one another, but here is something to be said for wizards.
Stuck Together Christmas "Special"
He reached for a cranberry pastry as he turned to the dragon, continuing to glut as he responded. "atty made them so we have enough for the neighbors." ryvin frowned, stepping all of the way into the kitchen to poke at his boyfriend's burgeoning belly.
It was a massive table muscle that its owner took great care of, and that fact showed as sasuke continued to glut on one of the hoses which dangled just in front of his muzzle.
The Old Red Hen and the Big Bad Fox chapter 1: come on in...
The vulpine happily glutted on the pumpernickel, taking two and three mouth filling chomps at a time, before stopping to chew. "slow down... you're gonna choke!"
He wanted to keep eating, and just to keep glutting until he got that painfully full feeling, which usually came with a stomach ache; he craved that like he craved air.
Being What You Eat
"hey, you glut! what do you think you're doing??" dave responded simply. "eating!" with a growl, he opened his jaws wide and slurped down her footpaws. with powerful gulps, she slowly disappeared... not that she didn't put up a fight.
Fair Tales
A fair is the best place to glut after all." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* neither draolf could admit defeat, but both were beached atop their stomachs.
Kovu and Mipa: Kovu's Love
As always, this night's glut was mostly a blur, she had no idea how many small animals she'd consumed exactly, but she was aware of the fact that kovu had surrendered a couple of his own even after they'd divvied up the catch.
Kovu and Mipa: Rope Maker
She glutted herself with abandon. she ate so much, in fact that she gave herself a belly ache. she groaned and closed her eyes, saying she'd never eat like that again.
He was obese beyond reason, and the wolfdragon knew it as he glutted with reckless abandon. this eating was something that he took pride in in fact, and he would often push to eat just enough for him to be stuffed into a food-induced stupor.
Letting Loose
Grinning to himself, the elk just gave a light pat to that fattening tail behind spikes and waddled himself back off to the kitchen, leaving the naga to glut in peace once again.
Tribal (1 of 5)
He had definitely gained weight from the monumental glut, as he could feel the softness of his thighs a lot more than when he had come into the tent earlier in the day. his package felt larger as well, hanging down near his knees...