Rukhgert Stern, the griffin. (Chapter 5)

They flew as griffins should fly, without dreams and gliders, on their own wings, huge and powerful.

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Three hundred men dressed in armor thud onto travelers; travelers are big transport ships that hold more then just people, they hold single pilot space ships and small gliders. the travelers take off at hyper speed into the sky! i hope you enjoyed.


Unknown Island

I went to a motor glider and i sat in it. i started the engines and put on my helmet. i said over the radio "perfect! this is x-ray sierra 143 romeo lima come in papa 26 alpha tango charlie over!"

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The Council of Species

God of humans, god of wolves, and god of rabbits are much closer to the head, whereas god of aye-ayes, god of sugar gliders, and god of scorpions would be towards the other end of the table.

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Now that he's become a tinkerer who can take most electronic devices apart and put them back together in one fell swoop, he builds wing-suits, parachutes, jet packs and hang gliders so that he can offer them to anyone who comes in.

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Clouds Of Light

Atop that lay a sugar glider. lounging in a sideless one-piece of yellow designed to accommodate gliding membranes of green. the scent of honey-roasted peanut crumbs lingering in the salted air.

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A new year~ 3

She was a surgar glider a bit smaller then i was. she was talking about how amazing her mate was, i just nodded and smiled making it look like i was listening. i was actually thinking about tyrin... what was he up to? what was he thinking?

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Guardian of the forest (Eng)

We interviewed the fire chief: - most likely, it was a new kind of hang gliders. we suspect that the attacker came down from the nearby mountains and set on fire, and then planned on the back of the building.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 11 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The airport

They have stealth glider, repeat stealth glider! seen the number, here we have two, repeat two divisions of paratroops!"

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Pleasant suprises: Ch 4 - Just an average day at work

"a h-h-hang glider?!" lucky exclaimed, slightly panicked by the thought of jumping off the building with nothing but a glider to take him to a safe landing. "i thought you weren't scared of heights? what's the matter?

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Lonely Oak Chapter 79

The sugar glider jumped up with a squeak of excitement. "hannah, your word is: moon." "moon. m-o-o-n. moon." "correct." the fourth-graders cheered. "drew," mrs. mcguire announced.

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Pink and Ruger: About New Orleans-Visual 1 (clean version)

I kept staring up at the sky; the rapidly retreating glider, and the rapidly approaching vortex. "ruger...!" i repeated, more urgently. i tried to estimate the cloud's rate of growth. whether (and when) its path would intercept ours.

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