Alvin and the land of giants part3

Doug:well then let's get dressed and see if any giants are watching for us. alvin:hee hee ok doug.

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Fan Of A Giant Wolf

"don't worry foxin, you'll be alright, trust me," the giant wolffo said. "well it's time for you to get inside." the giant wolffo slowly opened his maw. foxin was amazed at the giant wolffo's giant features.

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Down with the Giant Knight

The giant knight slowly rose to his feet, but calder had only lowered its health by a quarter. he was exhausted and knew that he didn't have the supplies to keep it up, but at the very least the giant knight wasn't invincible.

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A Giant Problem III

"i'm a grown up giant tiger, mom. i'll be fine." she laughed and stroked the fur on my cheeks a few times, then headed down to go to the store.

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A Giant Problem V

"but you're a giant tiger..." "and that means my name must be jason?" "ah, no, but..." i snorted. "yes, i am jason."

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A Giant Problem IV

I walked back to my home, slowly, wondering what just happened. "Jason," Dr Stevenson's voice said in my ear. "David is going to meet with us both. After you stop off at home, wait a bit and head for your exercise area. We will be there." I...

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A Giant Problem XII

I awoke to find myself still laying back with my blanket covering me. I looked around, just shifting my eyes and not moving my head for fear of dislodging someone. My parents were sitting on my chest, talking quietly with Dr. Stevenson who was sipping...

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A Giant Problem VII

In some ways i'm just a giant lab experiment that was given over to them by some freak accident and subject to whatever whims they have!"

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A Giant Problem VI

Not about to let some giant animal threaten me when i'm trying to do him a good turn!" i took a step back, confused. " sorry. i thought," i shook my head. grant looked up at me. "thought what?

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James and the Giant Deep

?James was sure he'd be fired. The entire board was in there. He'd barged in and seen top secret files. Glanced, really, he didn't have time to read anything they said. And yet, that eye haunted him. Just thinking about it his fear grew. He could feel...

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

The dragon hatchling stared intently at the tip of her tail, watching it flick from left to right. "Grrr!" she growled, though the noise coming from her throat sounded more like a childish purr than the deep rumbling growl of an adult dragon. The more...

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Yajinn's Playful Antics

I am yajiin the giant genie. i shall grant you all as many wishes as you'd want." they were scared at first, but they found the giant rather cute. out of nowhere, some guy wished for him to sit all over the town. yajinn obliged as he bends down.

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