"you foolish, foolish boy..." mother wrapped her arms around his middle, very gently, barely touching out of respect for his wound. "you are the last family i have left. don't do to me what you already did to danado.
Ander, Anthro, Clean, Fox, Novel, Story, Wolf
How many times i have managed to kill and run because some foolish enemy decided i had nice tits?" she lifted her chin, looking proud of her trickery. "they were usually male, but a few females fell for it as well. foolishness is no respecter of gender."
Clean, Dog, F/F, Fox, Love, Young Love
Derived from the harsh, foolish communtiy i have to see every day in league of legends as well as any other online community. just wish everyone would see we have a common goal and just...be aware.
I'm on a boat m...nevermind, M/solo, No-Yiff, Poetry
"you foolish, foolish boy..." mother wrapped her arms around his middle, very gently, barely touching out of respect for his wound. "you are the last family i have left. don't do to me what you already did to danado.
Ander, Clean, Fox, Hezzi, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf, shekka
Even humans would not be
so foolish, so you stole me
away when i was young.
did you enjoy it?
the thrill of the hunt as my
family swam for their lives?
Killer Whale, Orca, Poem, Poetry
There must be honour in such dedication, an unbroken loyalty, even if others might castigate it as foolish.
in the end love makes fools of us all, but perhaps there is a kind of nobility in foolishness.
Canine, Coyote, Gay Relationships, Jackal, M/M, Romance
It is here, at her domain, the black hearted ones chose to emerge, foolishly thinking god's eyes are at places where mortal creatures dwell. foolish demons, either they are brave or insane, or both.
40000, Fanfiction, Fangs of K'aath, Grimdark, Medieval, No-Yiff, Tribute, War, Warhammer 40K, death from above, space marines, vengence
"it is foolish to think a witch would help you. should've gone to other powers for that."
"i just wanted samantha to be jealous."
"well, i highly doubt any spell could've done that.
Dragon, Love
Vacka acted foolishly. he made decisions that nobeast should ever make. he made them in pursuit of relief, relief from the pain of mourning. i can understand that desire.
Bat, Chapter, Fantasy, Fox, Gryning, Novel, Sea, Series, Wolf, furry, interlude, writing
foolishly our centurion ordered a charge at the branded creatures, which we knew nothing of how dangerous they were. while he saw glory and an easy fight, i recognized how dangerous they were.
Character Development, Charr, Short Story, guild wars
Pure foolishness. of course if we imbue the beasts with the fruit of sin they will move on before us. man, we evolved a mistake.
Doom, Fantasy