Where. Am. I.

Finding One's True Self; Part 6 Where. Am. I. By Xan Steel Daniel slowly started to wake up. At first he only heard sounds. Waves lapping at the shore line. Trees rustling in the breeze. Ambient wildlife all around. He shifted gently on what felt...

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The Story of Annabella: Chapter 1

Annabella was asleep in her warm bed at home when a loud crash of lightening woke her in the middle of the night. She sat up opening her green eyes wide with fright and looked at the bedroom window seeing the rain pour against the glass. She gave a...

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An Eight Legged Alliance

Neyla flirting with murray. "well i like to keep in good shape when i'm fighting off bad guys and protecting my friends." murray smiles and shows off his musles. "hey there foxy, you looking very beautiful today." sly flirting carmelita.

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To the Winner Go the Spoils

Carson nibbled a bit on some mozzarella stick and looked bashfully across the costly sample platter, "why don't you guess." why was this guy trying so hard to still flirt. and why was he flirting back?

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Dorm Days - Chapter 1

* * * Chapter 1 My blinker began to click as I pulled into the parking lot of my new campus. I had just finished my first two year college and was about to move into what would be my new room for the next few years. Unfortunately, I was a day...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 13 last minute entry

**The legend of Spyro** **Legend of the black dragon** **Chapter 13 last minute entry** "Why can't I play with them anymore?" "A dragon as special as you can't be seen playing with those lizards" "What's going on here?" "I...

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From End to Beginning

He waltzed up saying to himself "don't flirt, don't flirt,..." josh was given the curse of a natural flirt. it doesn't even matter what gender they are, he flirts with everybody in every form possible.

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Ian: Character Info.(My life as a furry)

** **flirting: he thinks its cute when flirt with him especially when they are nervous, but thinks it wrong to flirt with other when is a relationship.** ** ** ** ** **marriage: wants to be some day.** ** ** **children: maybe** ** 

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Paradox - Chapter 3

"your doing this for the exact reason of flirting, and here you go do it again before you were finished with the pit. if i see you flirting with one more bloody female in this camp before that pit is finished, and you wont have a reason to flirt with em.

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A Soft, Soft Night

"meaning, we flirt with each other ... and if we do flirt with other furs, we make it a dual ... " " ... dual flirting. but ... but only flirting." "heh ... no, no ... no, no groups, darling. get that out of your head."

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LAWT #7 ~ Faking

#7 of lorrie, alex, wynne & tobi [ summary: ] lorrie and alex meetup at a bar for drinks, shenanigans ensue. [ ~3000 words ] this has been sitting in a folder for months because i'm really fucking intimidated by flirting as a concept, so i found it very difficult

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a little story about my day

With my boyfriend tom and we have been together for 1 year know i spent 2 months wages for a reservation at a real nice restaurant near buckingham palace the food was amazing but towards the end of the evening me and tom where taking (well more like flirting
