The Feline Devils | Chapter One: Invasion - Part One

Here's part two: [](%5c) the feline devils chapter one: invasion - part one fleet admiral zim awoke groggily one morning aboard his i-42c flagship, dubbed the z.g.f.

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L'arc The Bloaty Lion:Garden Hose

It was a bright clear day; the sun was beating down powerfully making it uncomfortably hot. L'arc was outside watering his front lawn; even in doing something so simple he was sweltering and unfortunately had no ways of cooling off. But as L'arc...


L'arc The Bloaty Lion: Shower

L'arc the lion was standing in front of the mirror looking at his physique. He was tall with broad shoulders creamy brown fur and a scruffy mane of auburn hair; his arms were large with a slight tone of muscle. But L'arc's favorite physical feature on...


Chapter 2 - Secrets revield

In a very annoyed tone the feline snapped back. "do i look like i'm joking?" kristina looked back at kelly then at jason. she held her paw up to jason and with a scoof she walked away and into the cafeteria.


The Master Of Thieves {Ch. 2}

Chapter 2: The Ball of Miracles Violet chased after the shadowy figure, trying to keep up. She wanted to call out to hiim, but for some reason, her voice was gone. She reached out, just about to grab his arm, when... She sat up, breathing...



.-- "come see what horrors transpired here from a feline perspective!"



John stood in a dark alley opposite a large twelve story building. He stood with his back against the wall, eyes closed and calmly breathing. It was raining that night. Droplets of water splashed onto the sidewalk, the reflection of street lights...



Anything © 2003 Nameless * * * Hi, pretty boy! You look at me? Want a bit of action? [] Yeah, I am good and pretty. We have good time. [] Talk? Why talk to you? I busy femme. [] Si, Senor. [Note: The rest of the...


Throw It All Away

The feline says. jack soon replies "sure" the polite and quite handsome feline takes a seat and extends his hand across the table towards jack. "my names raiden, or rai if you prefer, havent seen you around here before, new are you?"


The Saldean War, Chapter One

Yeah, second installment in my Saldean War series. This will be the last chapter featuring Erivagar and Felicia, for now. After this I will be writing some chapters from a different point of view (and a different part of the world) before these two...


Behind Blue Eyes - Chapt 1

Much like the rest of his family he was a large winged feline anthro. his teeth were bared in such a way to openly express his anger and annoyance.

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The Christmas Gift

As quietly as only a feline could pad, james snuck into the house. he looked around as shivers of excitement ran down his spine, mixed with the slightest fear of being caught. he walked around for a moment, admiring his mates taste in décor...

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