The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

With that, both north the vulpes and winston the lupus headed in toward the farmhouse. to say the night came quickly after the two of them headed toward the house would be an understatement, like calling falling in shit mildly upsetting.

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The Final Drive

He walked into the farmhouse to drink with his uncle, and tell him the news. --------------------------------------- short, at least i think it's short, but i really loved the story and song...

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Sparks of an Ancient Light - Chapter 3

She looked back at the abandoned farmhouse. steeling herself to venture to it, ibiza climbed the steps of the front porch and pushed the main door open. the interior was gloomy and forlorn.

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Ghost Town Story

The leaves fell round the farmhouse in the pass that stood here once. (the chimney bones remain.) some say he pawned them, needing ready cash so fall away and far away the wind.

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Lucario: A Pokemon Trainer (Chapter 1)

My feet seemed to be directing me toward that farmhouse on the horizon, and i let them take me, as my mind was tired enough to trust their judgment. i did take a moment to look back at the oak tree.

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Steel and the Mummy

Meet me in the abandoned farmhouse just west of my position." he hung up without dialing a thing. he left and headed towards a farmhouse. the inside was empty, a faint amber glow lit everything though.

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Through The Pass - Part 1

Ren hugs michael's arm and runs off to the farmhouse across the field to visit his friend. though he knows it probably won't rain mike restarts the tractor and drives it to shelter. "better safe than sorry," he whispers to himself.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 16

Mateo was giving directions to his _own_ home, a farmhouse far removed from town, a farmhouse that didn't even have any labourers working the fields right now because it was the dead of winter, a farmhouse that, at this very moment, was completely empty.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 107

Mateo was giving directions to his _own_ home, a farmhouse far removed from town, a farmhouse that didn't even have any labourers working the fields right now because it was the dead of winter, a farmhouse that, at this very moment, was completely empty.

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Working on the Farm

Even inside the simple farmhouse, he wasn't completely away from it. of course, an evil threat was the entire reason the two avian warriors were at the farm to begin with, so it was hardly surprising.

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S1 Ep3 Escaping Hell

Artemis looked at it for a moment and then nodded yes the wolves then got to work fixing up the two story shack which was more a small farmhouse.

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The Beginning of an Epic

He stood alone next to his family's farmhouse, wanting to run back to his parents but he knew they would be furious if he did so he stood there, holding his ears down with his paws on the verge of crying.

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