Power Fur Rangers- Episode 14

Once the evil emperor and empress were pulled inside the vortex it turned into a large glass mirror trapping them inside it. the evil emperor tried firing lasers from his eyes but they were ineffective versus the mirror.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 12

The evil emperor mused. "pitiful, pitiful, pitiful," gollip said as he appeared. "my poor poor monster." gollip cried and he crawled over to hug the evil emperor's leg.

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Superiority Chapter 5

You'll have to be smart about this," said the emperor. "that's all i ask," replied the governor. quickly ending the call. the emperor was still worried about his war council meeting.

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SPQR Chapter 7

The wolf knew exactly what he was going to do with that weapon- right when the emperor walked.

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Power Fur Rangers Episode 10

The eerie home of the evil emperor shone brightly as the sun reflected off of the silver body and the golden tiger stripes. the evil emperor sat on his throne with his wife on the throne next to him.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 16

The group advanced, most people suddenly pausing at the sight of the emperor in the procession. the emperor's group simply continued on, however, and they all looked to the side.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 26

The evil emperor said. "what do you want?" the red power fur ranger asked as he pointed at the evil emperor while the others stood behind him with their arms crossed. "you! my deer boy," the evil emperor chuckled.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 02

He lives as the evil emperor's slave but power wise he is almost as strong as the evil emperor." zolton said. "when he was twisted his mind became twisted and he loves the evil emperor more than his own life. you can expect him to be a problem.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 15

Cursing under his breath, tan tao defiantly met the emperor's gaze. "i am very disappointed in you, tan tao," said the emperor. "i thought you knew better than to turn to this life. i truly did."

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» the emperor smiles again, more discreetly. that damn veronus was right after all. but emillianus didn't want to miss any opportunity to be alone and isolated. his position as emperor required him to always be surrounded and protected.

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Kingdom Hearts: plan B ... STILL AWESOME !

Later that day all of them was presented with the emperor emperor: i heard a great deal about you , fa mulan mulan: (bow to him) emperor: you stole your father's armor , ran away from home , impersonated an imperial soldier , you deceived your commanding

The Voice of the Crane

The emperor before alexi was old and gray. his face was kind yet stern, hardened but soft: a very memorable face indeed. most of the formerly tan fur was now graying, but there were still some patches of dark color. the emperor really wasn't that tall.

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