The Little Corporate Hen - A Fable

The Little Corporate Hen set out one day to make some bread. While gathering supplies she met the Mouse. The Mouse said "I could help you gather the flour if you let me have some of the bread". But the Little Corporate Hen said "You don't have five...

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Jeremy 079; Future Concerns

After the continental wars a large portion of its economic power fell into appalachia's paws when it lost much of its holdings in central america. in jeremy's world there was no effort to build the panama canal.


A Correspondence of City Mice: York.

Furs, despite receiving more social assistance than any ethnic group in history per capita thanks to the money squeezed out of estian after they made us, are still consistently in the lowest economic brackets.

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One Lost Note Chapter 1

economics and science just come naturally to me,i'm a little mediocre in english,the material doesn't really suit me.

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Challenge of Selection (Otherwise Untitled)

~ under the hum and glow of the economically placed lamps above, the lion carefully regarded the options presented between the two cans he held.

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Glory for the Fallen

For all those politicians, who start wars for no other reasons than financial, economic or personal gain. for all those who stand aside and watch, please step in and help.


The Politics of Predators: A Praetorian Side Story

The economic forecast mrs.iceheart gave is correct, i'm with you there sweety, so to get the opposite result we need to take the opposite course of action.

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The curriculum stated that he had to participate in at least one life-skills class, and home economics meant learning to cook, something jake had always planned on doing anyway.

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CE04 - places

Currency from outside the formalized alliances is valued highly as it will allow a gradual economic domination of the non-compliant towns.

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Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

We're all people, whether we have black or white pigment, maybe rich or poor economic situations. whatever it is, we're all unique. we all got something superior to share, why not share it?

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Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

We're all people, whether we have black or white pigment, maybe rich or poor economic situations. whatever it is, we're all unique. we all got something superior to share, why not share it?

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Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

We're all people, whether we have black or white pigment, maybe rich or poor economic situations. whatever it is, we're all unique. we all got something superior to share, why not share it?

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