shrek: dinner with a dragon (vore)
There has to be another punishment i could have besides digestion in your lovely belly!"_ "hmmm...nah, digestion suits you just fine. getting all gurgled in my lovely belly, melted down into nothing...seems about right for a cheating husband."
POV vore - you and a sea lion
Who knew being digested was a full sensory experience? your struggles worked loose a bubble of air that went down with you. you hear the sea lion let out a long, grunting belch, then settle down to digest its meal.
Godzilla and the warbat
He felt the great snake drag itself laboriously back into the crevice where it had digested kong. he was larger than its last meal and its guts were still full of digested ape.
The kaiju predator (ghidorah/godzilla vore)
At some point ghidorah would pass some portion of his meal, scales and other parts of godzilla not worth the trouble of digesting. hopefully somewhere far from civilization.
VTQ: A Tight Squeeze
There i could feel the digestive fluid finally start to set in fully, my body going completely numb as the snake's long and slow digestive process started to work on my body.
POv vore - you and a little badger
The badger was really fat after digesting him. you're about to make it even fatter.
Blitz meets Jade (Vore story)
I won't digest you. i promise." jade said as she picked him up by a hind leg with a vine. she lowered blitz into her maw and gently closed it around his head, licking him all over before pushing him farther in.
A Day in the Life of a Vulpix (unoffical title, vore story) Part 1
Her stomach sloshed and churned around, acids pouring in to aid the digestion. her belly gurgled loudly, with vulpix purring with bliss.
Bambi's first feast (Vore)
It seemed that the tasty rabbit snack from earlier was still being digested, so much so that his belly was no longer bulging. it was suspected that thumper was about 50% digested.
The gryphon and the couatl
He would escape his slimy digestive fate only if the couatl so chose.
Simba and company (Vore, Crossover)
The rest of oliver already entering the next stage of the digestive system, nothing more than food for a greedy lion cub. "now i remember!"
Kong and the warbat
Kong, constricted into helplessness even before he was swallowed and lacking any such weapon, would escape from the snake's guts only when it was finished digesting him.